review of a stimulating evening or "residents, I ..." ... we would say Swabia, with all their senses. Or so is the resume that I draw from an interesting evening.
As luck would have it, I read in the last year a newspaper article about a young and dynamic company from Straßkirchen. I speak of an interview with Manuel Schramm and its business idea, "Office Communication Coaching. In it they mentioned the entrepreneurs evening, which takes place regularly.
What to do here? I myself am Wahlbayerin and pulled until very recently in the region. I now live in a village that has no street names or a bakery. Happy at last without a GPS from shopping to find their way home, I feed my chickens, texts occasionally a little and I am very pleased and grateful to have left the stress behind me for a while.
But it is called "curiosity", that is the curiosity of women. Determined to seek connection - for he who seeks, finds - I signed up for the premiere event of the evening, women entrepreneurs in 2007, which took place in the "country inn to the miller in Ruderting. were
While most delicious appetizers and a power drink served either with or without alcohol, I could see from my observation post from the cheerful crowd. This will be entrepreneurs? Those are women like you and me: Communicative, self-confident, successful, open, creative and fun-loving, or expressed differently: from the artist to a tax adviser, of the language teacher to media designer, by the hairdresser to Coach everything was represented.
That makes a colorful blend. Even more interesting is the fact that we are Weiberleut all of us. So who cares if the hair is a pound or someone has too much on the ribs? This masquerade is not necessary to come into play so often, when the sexes meet.
So, now it moves on to the official part of the evening. First, we welcomed Mrs Ingrid Buchner, the innkeeper. Impressively, she describes what goes on behind the scenes with her. Here is yet each potato, peeled yourself.
We have arrived at the theme of the evening at dinner. Sabine Hahn-woe, Pharmacy Specialist for Food, takes off with the theoretical part. She is really in the trade, but the Chinese trade remained at home. The glycemic index of food is explained very quickly. Very clearly it tells us about what crime we commit to our bodies when we start the day with rolls, butter and jam. But beer with white sausage is the absolute horror that is, in principle, only surpassed by consumption of various chocolate bars. These are the things that are stored without delay on the hips. Since the levels of insulin responds immediately. But to make it better in the future, we are here and listen carefully to be affected. Have you ever caught yourself now and then?
when you are talking constantly about food and think about it, you get hungry too. "Those who work, who may eat it," I say to himself also accessible. So we give our hostess the opportunity to show us how perfect it implements its company philosophy into practice. A huge kudos to the kitchen. Although I have not even eaten peeled potato, but a delicious salad with grilled white fish and wholemeal bread. As a further supplement, there was still stimulating conversations with the neighbors table.
the light of later series. Here and there are still exchanging information or appointments made, worked on the maintenance of the network. Elated I turn on my navigation and go to Hause.
Dieser Abend war nicht nur gesundheitsfördernd, sondern der Austausch tat auch meiner Seele gut. Danke, liebe Mitglieder des Organisationsteams, für einen perfekt gelungenen Unternehmerinnenabend. Hoffentlich folgen noch viele weitere!
Gedächtnistraining – Wissen Sie es noch?
Wie viel Stück Zucker verstecken sich in einem Snickers-Riegel?
Wie viele Bananen können anstatt einem Mars-Riegel gegessen werden?
Warum reicht man Zitronensaft zu Fisch?
Wie viele Schritte sollst Du täglich tun?
Wie viel Gramm Fett hat ein Croissant?
(Lösungen: 13 / 6 / Weil das Eiweiß vom Körper in combination with vitamin C can be absorbed better. / 1000)
recipe one of the dishes
(possibly Mrs. Buchner ask or Book Review by Mrs Hahn-woe)
Source: Martin Polzer