Ein kleiner Spuk
Well there's something for ? The German Literature Pope Marcel Reich-Ranicki rejected the German television price . Spontaneously from the gut. What came of it is a remarkable performance. Standing ovations for the senile Lord, as he then swings back to its distinctive nature and about the curses that he has four hours must bear knows audience hall not really react as it should.
Is this a joke now? Times better laugh. But the remains toternst yes. If not, the truly honor the price? Ah, here comes the usual culture scolding for television, led by a praise for Arte. Na as we clap but sometimes hypocritical, we who have perpetrated the rubbish in the first place.
In order to assess what the Marcel Reich-Ranicki else has brought up the wall, ought to have seen the presentation of the Television Award. I have certainly not. Never in my life I would have thought, a moderated by Thomas Gottschalk Beweihrauchung to see the daily misery of our television program. After all, what there was to read in the newspapers and network about it, it was what to expect: a so-so level loose, listless and wretched entertainment, which was simply not appropriate drug invented. (Interestingly even shortened the ZDF some bangers, as DWDL reported .)
Actually would rise on TV now a light. We are now so far down arrived us that the winners walk away. And Mr. Marcel Reich- Ranicki has indeed right, with decent Unterhaltung hat das Fernsehen hierzulande nur noch selten was zu tun. Natürlich will niemand den lieben langen Tag Arte oder 3 Sat gucken. Aber wer erträgt denn noch ein Nachmittag zwischen privaten Krawall-Talk und öffentlich-rechtlichen Knuddel -Zootierchen. Das eine ist Verdummung, das andere Berieselung, die einen Dumm hält.
Das schlimme ist ja, das alle bißchen intellektueller Angehauchten, die Misere erkannt haben. Da in den Führungsriegen des Fernsehen eben auch solche Köpfe sitzen, wissen die genausogut Bescheid, was sie da eigentlich zeigen. Das Alibi ist immer das gleiche: Ihr wollte es doch nicht anders, ihr seid es the looks, the rate we are right. So the buck is passed. Finally, the spectators look basically everything that is put before them. Everything. Putting them before something bad, they look it. Putting them in front just bad, they look it too. But why no one has come up with the idea it vorzusetzen times but good, what would they do? Exactly, power of course!
all turned away has indeed not Mr Reich-Ranicki . Thomas Gottschalk was indignant at the Reich-Ranicki approached from the side and offered him a round of talks with the Itendanten the major TV stations all was so fehle im TV. Reich- Ranicki stimmte dem zu, wenn er auch bezweifelte, dass es dazu kommen würde. (Das ZDF hat aber inzwischen einen Sendeplatz am Freitag freigemacht und ist willens diese Talkrunde abzuhalten.) Gottschalk hatte mit seiner humorvollen Art gleich wieder die Lacher des publikums auf seiner Seite und rettete so die Situation. Reich- Ranicki erzählte daraufhin kleine herzzerreißende Geschichte, um sich anschließend mit Gottschalk zu verbrüdern und vom Publikum ausgiebig feiern zu lassen. Es war wie ein kleiner Spuk, so schnell wie es gekommen war, war es auch wieder vorbei.