The American series is approaching more and more of the movie. Yes, yes, nothing new. Not only since Kiefer Sutherland in 24 brilliant or Glenn Close in The Shield occurred is no longer dismissed out of hand, which has the series gained in importance. Here, the players change but usually only the street or go on a hall at the studio area. The production studios remain the same and is also filmed in Hollywood, where the films are now more shot in Canada, because of lower taxes.
One may of course now reply that moving aging Hollywood star now even cheaper in the genre. But the modern series swallow now also regular budget and then there's the case, Paul Haggis . The Lord is screenwriter by profession
and has won two Oscars for Crash , best original screenplay and film of the year. He is also the script of Million Dollar Baby, Flags of our Fathers , Letters of Iwo Jima and Casino Royal responsible . He comes actually write series of well-managed and has clearly made it into the movie business. Currently celebrating gradually In his latest film world the Valley of Elah premiere, a post-Iraq drama with Susan Surandon , Charlize Theron and Tommy Lee Jones. (From a German launch date was unfortunately not learn.)
whole series has sworn off the genre probably will not but the good Lord. had designed on the American Network NBC ran this spring The Black Donnellys together a series that Haggis Robert Moresco . The Pilot promises much, it is easy to remember clearly that was a writer-genius at work here. The narrative structure a Off-person narrator in a police interrogation, very lively, the atmosphere is gripping. Solely disturbs the massive use of music, he reminds us of the exaggerated background music from blockbusters .
to Story: Four brothers of Irish descent, grew up in Hells Kitchen , a notorious borough of Manhattan, are drawn as petty criminals in the machinations
the underworld. Der K opf der Vier will eigentlich ein besseres Leben führen, doch als das Leben seiner Brüder in Gefahr gerät, tritt er an, um diese zu retten und nebenbei die Kontrolle über sein Viertel zu übernehmen. Es gibt eine Reihe böser Gegenspieler , einen guten Cop und eine alte Liebe, die aber leider schon verheiratet ist. Und natürlich gibt es alles was bei Iren nicht fehlen darf: Pubs, viel Alkohol, wüste Prügeleien und die allumsorgende Mutter.
Gute Gangster- Story und handfeste Kinomethoden, insofern hätte es ein Kandidat für die Lücke sein können, die The have left Sopranos . Had? Yes, would have because the series has never been able to meet its expectations in relation to the quota. NBC they have not even aired until the end, but after only six episodes banished to the Internet. The first season, available on DVD, is thus the only one. You see, even or perhaps even more so in America the ratio is one but a great deal and the status of Haggis has probably not helped much. Too bad, but maybe limited Paul Haggis no longer on writing new Bond parts, but still pushes one or the other Series format to. His talent in this genre is in good hands and run as far as he does not have that, either.
Addendum: How to read Serienjunkies , Paul Haggis, the show has already been written from 10 years ago, it was realized only now. The time was not yet ready, the Sopranos have had to pave the way for the criminal as a hero?
One may of course now reply that moving aging Hollywood star now even cheaper in the genre. But the modern series swallow now also regular budget and then there's the case, Paul Haggis . The Lord is screenwriter by profession
whole series has sworn off the genre probably will not but the good Lord. had designed on the American Network NBC ran this spring The Black Donnellys together a series that Haggis Robert Moresco . The Pilot promises much, it is easy to remember clearly that was a writer-genius at work here. The narrative structure a Off-person narrator in a police interrogation, very lively, the atmosphere is gripping. Solely disturbs the massive use of music, he reminds us of the exaggerated background music from blockbusters .
to Story: Four brothers of Irish descent, grew up in Hells Kitchen , a notorious borough of Manhattan, are drawn as petty criminals in the machinations
Gute Gangster- Story und handfeste Kinomethoden, insofern hätte es ein Kandidat für die Lücke sein können, die The have left Sopranos . Had? Yes, would have because the series has never been able to meet its expectations in relation to the quota. NBC they have not even aired until the end, but after only six episodes banished to the Internet. The first season, available on DVD, is thus the only one. You see, even or perhaps even more so in America the ratio is one but a great deal and the status of Haggis has probably not helped much. Too bad, but maybe limited Paul Haggis no longer on writing new Bond parts, but still pushes one or the other Series format to. His talent in this genre is in good hands and run as far as he does not have that, either.
Addendum: How to read Serienjunkies , Paul Haggis, the show has already been written from 10 years ago, it was realized only now. The time was not yet ready, the Sopranos have had to pave the way for the criminal as a hero?
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