but a very original winner there in östereischen Big Brother Awards. The judges of the prize to people who are "field of surveillance, Free and Open Source have made very great service, decided, among others for the series authors Anthony E. Zuiker . This was his series CSI of the ongoing monitoring and restriction proved the rights of citizens a disservice by these circumstances has played down fictional
is in the jury, among other things.
present "The CSI series dragnet, DNA analysis and the slash" side of civil rights critical, playing down and dangerous. CSI served in recent years as a prototype for a whole range of other similar mounted television series, in which the rights of citizens in general and in particular of the suspects in the first place as be shown determination disabling . The CSI officers rather show how smart they do their work, where they have all these rights are systematically left and work around. [...] In a sensitive and often highly emotional content context are degraded in the fight against terrorism and crime civil rights to an annoying appendage of the last century and the means justified by the purpose. This indoctrination has correspondingly disastrous effects in the political debate about the war on terror. "
The award is justified, because as wie das bereits heißdiskutierte Verhalten von Kiefer Sutherland aka Jack Bauer in 24 ist auch diese Serie mit verantwortlich dafür, dass nicht gerade wenig Menschen die schwere von solchen Verstößen nicht bewußt sind. Aus dem Irak wurde unlängst berichtet, dass das amerikanische Militär Probleme hat, seinen Rekruten die bei Jack Bauer abgeschauten Methoden zu verbieten . Und obwohl Folter ein maßgeblich schlimmeres Vergehen ist, ist die Verletzung von Datenschutz nicht zu verachten. Fiktional Verstöße darzustellen ist in sofern nicht verwerflich, aber bei C.S.I. the methods for routine and thus be glorified . This is what the judges of the Austria consultancy Big Brother Awards correctly identified and thus now has Anthony E. Zuiker a place in the Hall of Shame "safe. Congratulations!
is in the jury, among other things.
present "The CSI series dragnet, DNA analysis and the slash" side of civil rights critical, playing down and dangerous. CSI served in recent years as a prototype for a whole range of other similar mounted television series, in which the rights of citizens in general and in particular of the suspects in the first place as be shown determination disabling . The CSI officers rather show how smart they do their work, where they have all these rights are systematically left and work around. [...] In a sensitive and often highly emotional content context are degraded in the fight against terrorism and crime civil rights to an annoying appendage of the last century and the means justified by the purpose. This indoctrination has correspondingly disastrous effects in the political debate about the war on terror. "
The award is justified, because as wie das bereits heißdiskutierte Verhalten von Kiefer Sutherland aka Jack Bauer in 24 ist auch diese Serie mit verantwortlich dafür, dass nicht gerade wenig Menschen die schwere von solchen Verstößen nicht bewußt sind. Aus dem Irak wurde unlängst berichtet, dass das amerikanische Militär Probleme hat, seinen Rekruten die bei Jack Bauer abgeschauten Methoden zu verbieten . Und obwohl Folter ein maßgeblich schlimmeres Vergehen ist, ist die Verletzung von Datenschutz nicht zu verachten. Fiktional Verstöße darzustellen ist in sofern nicht verwerflich, aber bei C.S.I. the methods for routine and thus be glorified . This is what the judges of the Austria consultancy Big Brother Awards correctly identified and thus now has Anthony E. Zuiker a place in the Hall of Shame "safe. Congratulations!
Links: Big Brother Awards winners