There was mal eine Zeit, da herrschte vom schönen München aus ein Medienkönig mit Namen Kirch , Leo über sein eigenes Imperium aus Medienbeteiligungen. Filmhandel, Rundfunk und Sportrechte waren die Spielwiesen, in denen er für Furore sorgte. Geflecht nannte man seinen Staatsaufbau, den niemand außer ihm hatte einen wirklichen Überblick, was ihm eigentlich genau gehörte. So wohl auch die Banken, die das Geld in Form von Krediten Schubkarrenweise, nein Lastschiffweise bei ihm ablieferten. Doch irgendwann war es wohl doch zu viel und ein gewisser Rolf-E. Breuer von der Deutschen Bank zweifelte öffentlich an seiner Kreditwürdigkeit.
Well, they long ago that the spectacular bankruptcy of Kirch -Media. To date, the lawyers of the insolvency administration busy creditors their seven billion € return. The private person church itself

hinted in recent weeks on, however, that church leads up to something. By an exchange transaction, the company Sirius belonging legally his wife and his longtime companion Dieter Hahn, suddenly has a big stake in EM Sports . This company from EM-TV emerged holdings in the DSF , the online portal Sport1 and the production company Media Plaza. And then, something happened that no one would have thought possible: The German Football League (DFL ), operator of the professional game - Ligen , beauftragen ausgerechnet Kirchs Sirius mit der Vermarktung der TV-Rechte.
Haben die denn nichts gelernt, war doch der Profifussball in arge Schwierigkeiten geraten, als mit Kirch -Media insolvent war? Kirch hatte über Jahre sich die TV-Rechte gesichert, zu überteuerten Konditionen. Deshalb war auch jetzt die Entscheidung nicht einfach, viele der 36 Bundesligavereine hatten Bedenken. Doch das Angebot von Sirius garantierte 500 Mill. Euro pro Saison, anstatt der bisherigen 420 Mill. Euro und das schlussendliche letzte Wort hat weiter die DFL .
Doch das Engagement zielt aber auf eine anderen Partner der DFL , Namely Premiere . It has long monopolistic structures in Pay-TV the clubs are a thorn in the side. While the dictation of terms at the last award of the commitment by cable operators under the umbrella of Arena was prevented, but after their retreat again as all previously. The plan Kirch now seems well-being, give the production into the hands of Plazamedia , as previously premiered the live signal from the stages self-produced and sold to the connected marketer , such as Deutsche Telekom for their Internet TV. If now but the signal is pre-produced, You can find it much easier to sell to other cable or satellite operator without the need to own sports editorial. This creates competition and for the currently looming battle for customers for the so-called Triple - Play (television, telephone and Internet from a provider) sport is very popular as a bait.
Premiere's shareholders saw this so what the price slumped massively because of this news. Whether the commitment to bring of church the Bundesliga clubs and the expected competition windfall will remain questionable. The last time it went wrong with Arena is well known. What remains is the astonishment: Leo Kirch is back, with his 81 years he wants to know again. But while some of the many astonishing Kirch's creditors be gnashing of teeth.
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