Ein kleiner Spuk
Well there's something for ? The German Literature Pope Marcel Reich-Ranicki rejected the German television price . Spontaneously from the gut. What came of it is a remarkable performance. Standing ovations for the senile Lord, as he then swings back to its distinctive nature and about the curses that he has four hours must bear knows audience hall not really react as it should.
Is this a joke now? Times better laugh. But the remains toternst yes. If not, the truly honor the price? Ah, here comes the usual culture scolding for television, led by a praise for Arte. Na as we clap but sometimes hypocritical, we who have perpetrated the rubbish in the first place.
In order to assess what the Marcel Reich-Ranicki else has brought up the wall, ought to have seen the presentation of the Television Award. I have certainly not. Never in my life I would have thought, a moderated by Thomas Gottschalk Beweihrauchung to see the daily misery of our television program. After all, what there was to read in the newspapers and network about it, it was what to expect: a so-so level loose, listless and wretched entertainment, which was simply not appropriate drug invented. (Interestingly even shortened the ZDF some bangers, as DWDL reported .)
Actually would rise on TV now a light. We are now so far down arrived us that the winners walk away. And Mr. Marcel Reich- Ranicki has indeed right, with decent Unterhaltung hat das Fernsehen hierzulande nur noch selten was zu tun. Natürlich will niemand den lieben langen Tag Arte oder 3 Sat gucken. Aber wer erträgt denn noch ein Nachmittag zwischen privaten Krawall-Talk und öffentlich-rechtlichen Knuddel -Zootierchen. Das eine ist Verdummung, das andere Berieselung, die einen Dumm hält.
Das schlimme ist ja, das alle bißchen intellektueller Angehauchten, die Misere erkannt haben. Da in den Führungsriegen des Fernsehen eben auch solche Köpfe sitzen, wissen die genausogut Bescheid, was sie da eigentlich zeigen. Das Alibi ist immer das gleiche: Ihr wollte es doch nicht anders, ihr seid es the looks, the rate we are right. So the buck is passed. Finally, the spectators look basically everything that is put before them. Everything. Putting them before something bad, they look it. Putting them in front just bad, they look it too. But why no one has come up with the idea it vorzusetzen times but good, what would they do? Exactly, power of course!
all turned away has indeed not Mr Reich-Ranicki . Thomas Gottschalk was indignant at the Reich-Ranicki approached from the side and offered him a round of talks with the Itendanten the major TV stations all was so fehle im TV. Reich- Ranicki stimmte dem zu, wenn er auch bezweifelte, dass es dazu kommen würde. (Das ZDF hat aber inzwischen einen Sendeplatz am Freitag freigemacht und ist willens diese Talkrunde abzuhalten.) Gottschalk hatte mit seiner humorvollen Art gleich wieder die Lacher des publikums auf seiner Seite und rettete so die Situation. Reich- Ranicki erzählte daraufhin kleine herzzerreißende Geschichte, um sich anschließend mit Gottschalk zu verbrüdern und vom Publikum ausgiebig feiern zu lassen. Es war wie ein kleiner Spuk, so schnell wie es gekommen war, war es auch wieder vorbei.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Red Palms And Red Soles
This is a 100% accident!
Raus aus dem Flugzeug, rein in den Mietwagen, ab zum Club, gutes Gesicht auf der privaten After Hour and then find more quickly the hotel. The DJ is a hard life, especially if the Prozederre runs in the same length and includes a complete tour. A whole lot of stability is necessary and is sometimes an ordinary shovel humor.
Dauerfeierrei That this is not necessarily the never-ending fun, shows the first episode of the Internet series One More Song . The DJs of the label Institubes from Paris roam the cities and clubs in the world, documented by the camera of Jean-Baptiste de Laubier, who as DJ Para One himself with the party. The first episode shows Hooligan Disco Curses, Surkin, Para One and Orgasmic on their tour of North America in the summer of last year.
Hooligan Disco (w / English subtitles) from Institubes on Vimeo . The result
a documentary about how hard work, but also funny is it's when you get paid for it to act as a freak show. The sound of the band Daft Punk can be seen as the next generation will be described similarly funky, not only much harder and faster, definitely everyone's taste. The oblique incidence and the common turning tears on stage with each party people on the tour. Individual convey musically backed recordings die wenigen ruhigen Momente der Tour, meist nur im Vorbeirauschen aus dem Mietwagen heraus gefilmt.
Die französischen Helden sind aber hauptsächlich damit beschäftigt, den Einladungen der Einheimischen zu folgen oder auf den Hotelzimmern private Parties zu feiern. Die Stimmung ist durchweg gut, nur in der Mitte der Tour scheint etwas die Energie zu fehlen. Da wird der eine oder andere etwas kratzig, wenn man nach langer Suche schon wieder vor dem falschen Hotel steht. Die erste Folge ist sehr unterhaltsam, wenn auch streckenweise anstregend anzuschauen. Das Prozederre ähnelt sich in jeder Stadt, weshalb eine Länge von 45 Minuten etwas langatmig wirkt. Trotzdem ist es ein sehenswertes Zeitdokument über das Leben einer modernen Freakshow, die musizierend durch die Lande zieht.
Raus aus dem Flugzeug, rein in den Mietwagen, ab zum Club, gutes Gesicht auf der privaten After Hour and then find more quickly the hotel. The DJ is a hard life, especially if the Prozederre runs in the same length and includes a complete tour. A whole lot of stability is necessary and is sometimes an ordinary shovel humor.
Dauerfeierrei That this is not necessarily the never-ending fun, shows the first episode of the Internet series One More Song . The DJs of the label Institubes from Paris roam the cities and clubs in the world, documented by the camera of Jean-Baptiste de Laubier, who as DJ Para One himself with the party. The first episode shows Hooligan Disco Curses, Surkin, Para One and Orgasmic on their tour of North America in the summer of last year.
Hooligan Disco (w / English subtitles) from Institubes on Vimeo . The result
a documentary about how hard work, but also funny is it's when you get paid for it to act as a freak show. The sound of the band Daft Punk can be seen as the next generation will be described similarly funky, not only much harder and faster, definitely everyone's taste. The oblique incidence and the common turning tears on stage with each party people on the tour. Individual convey musically backed recordings die wenigen ruhigen Momente der Tour, meist nur im Vorbeirauschen aus dem Mietwagen heraus gefilmt.
Die französischen Helden sind aber hauptsächlich damit beschäftigt, den Einladungen der Einheimischen zu folgen oder auf den Hotelzimmern private Parties zu feiern. Die Stimmung ist durchweg gut, nur in der Mitte der Tour scheint etwas die Energie zu fehlen. Da wird der eine oder andere etwas kratzig, wenn man nach langer Suche schon wieder vor dem falschen Hotel steht. Die erste Folge ist sehr unterhaltsam, wenn auch streckenweise anstregend anzuschauen. Das Prozederre ähnelt sich in jeder Stadt, weshalb eine Länge von 45 Minuten etwas langatmig wirkt. Trotzdem ist es ein sehenswertes Zeitdokument über das Leben einer modernen Freakshow, die musizierend durch die Lande zieht.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
How Long Is Lower Leg
Eine bedauerliche Richtungsentscheidung
Der Rat der Weisen der föderalen Kleinstaaterei ist vergangenen Dnnerstag zusammengekommen. Zwar ist es nicht ausgeschlossen, dass sich auch ein Weiser darunter befindet, aber es handelt sich hierbei lediglich um die Ministerpräsidenten der Bundesländer. Doch diese hatten ausgestattet mit der Kulturhoheit der Länder die Gelegenheit eine richtungsweisende Entscheidung in der Rundfunkpolitik zu treffen.
Im genauen ging es um den Spielraum, den den öffentlichen-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten im Internet gelassen wird. Mit der nun getroffenen Entscheidung wurde den grauen Elefanten nicht viel Leine gelassen. ARD und ZDF sollen lediglich sendungsbezogene set Offers on the Internet, may be excluded explezit press like this. This decision is not a final agreement between the Prime Minister, but is the benchmarking, what to expect in the future.
This pushed the broadcasters and the Internet offers a clear bar. Even the lawyers breed in the institutions of what exactly will be allowed, but a comprehensive news portal in the future no longer seems possible. On the edge was also determined that broadcast content may be up to seven days to retrieve the net. This simply makes a stone-age feel, given the announcement of the BBC this week, his Archive of the last 80 years in power to the public.
adding dimensions, the decision taken to go in a narrow framework. The pressure from the lobby of private broadcasters and media companies was high, as they saw their plans for an effective Erlößmodell the internet at risk. So far, no one deserves to web information for real money, a gebührenfinaziertes competing offer would not facilitate this straight. Therefore, it was also part of the EU Commission pressure potential, as it has been years, the license fee as illegal subsidy and thus sees as unfair competition. Under such circumstances, the decision is not particularly surprising, but a stärkeres Eintreten der Ministerpräsidenten für den öffentlichen Rundfunk wäre wünschenswert gewesen.
Doch genau bei dem Begriff "Rundfunk" setzen die Kritiker der öff. rechtl. Internetangebote an. Denn der Auftrag der Rundfunkanstalten erstreckt sich, wie der Name es ja auch bereits sagt, auf Rundfunk. Die Frage ist, ob er sich auch dadurch begrenzt. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hatte in einem seiner Rundfunkentscheidungen dem Anstalten eine Entwicklungsgarantie zugesichert. Mit den Jahren haben sich Audio- und Videoihalte im Internet nun zusehend weiterentwickelt und eine klare Trennung fällt immer schwerer. Und wenn dies so weitergeht, wird der klassische Rundfunk zwangsläufig eingehen und mit ihm die Gebührenfinanzierten Institutions.
this would not be desirable, because in the aftermath of the spectrum scarcity has use of public place and could. Radio proved. Away from all over Disskussionen program quality they can be certified to be a decisive contribution to the width of political reporting. Such a focal point in a private economic viewpoint to the Internet environment would be desirable, after all, it is still a playground of the semi-and non-information. So if there's no radio, it does not mean that it also has its benefits. ARD and ZDF will not completely escape to the net, but a certain commitment would still be useful. In this respect, the prime ministers with their decision the wrong direction taken by a decisive qualitative advance in the German review internet a stop.
Im genauen ging es um den Spielraum, den den öffentlichen-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten im Internet gelassen wird. Mit der nun getroffenen Entscheidung wurde den grauen Elefanten nicht viel Leine gelassen. ARD und ZDF sollen lediglich sendungsbezogene set Offers on the Internet, may be excluded explezit press like this. This decision is not a final agreement between the Prime Minister, but is the benchmarking, what to expect in the future.
This pushed the broadcasters and the Internet offers a clear bar. Even the lawyers breed in the institutions of what exactly will be allowed, but a comprehensive news portal in the future no longer seems possible. On the edge was also determined that broadcast content may be up to seven days to retrieve the net. This simply makes a stone-age feel, given the announcement of the BBC this week, his Archive of the last 80 years in power to the public.
adding dimensions, the decision taken to go in a narrow framework. The pressure from the lobby of private broadcasters and media companies was high, as they saw their plans for an effective Erlößmodell the internet at risk. So far, no one deserves to web information for real money, a gebührenfinaziertes competing offer would not facilitate this straight. Therefore, it was also part of the EU Commission pressure potential, as it has been years, the license fee as illegal subsidy and thus sees as unfair competition. Under such circumstances, the decision is not particularly surprising, but a stärkeres Eintreten der Ministerpräsidenten für den öffentlichen Rundfunk wäre wünschenswert gewesen.
Doch genau bei dem Begriff "Rundfunk" setzen die Kritiker der öff. rechtl. Internetangebote an. Denn der Auftrag der Rundfunkanstalten erstreckt sich, wie der Name es ja auch bereits sagt, auf Rundfunk. Die Frage ist, ob er sich auch dadurch begrenzt. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hatte in einem seiner Rundfunkentscheidungen dem Anstalten eine Entwicklungsgarantie zugesichert. Mit den Jahren haben sich Audio- und Videoihalte im Internet nun zusehend weiterentwickelt und eine klare Trennung fällt immer schwerer. Und wenn dies so weitergeht, wird der klassische Rundfunk zwangsläufig eingehen und mit ihm die Gebührenfinanzierten Institutions.
this would not be desirable, because in the aftermath of the spectrum scarcity has use of public place and could. Radio proved. Away from all over Disskussionen program quality they can be certified to be a decisive contribution to the width of political reporting. Such a focal point in a private economic viewpoint to the Internet environment would be desirable, after all, it is still a playground of the semi-and non-information. So if there's no radio, it does not mean that it also has its benefits. ARD and ZDF will not completely escape to the net, but a certain commitment would still be useful. In this respect, the prime ministers with their decision the wrong direction taken by a decisive qualitative advance in the German review internet a stop.
Monday, May 19, 2008
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Neues Kind auf dem Fernsehmarkt
Series fans! Today could be a personal holiday. Well, that's a bit exaggerated, but this Monday is launching a new pay-TV channel to the previously completely ignored the Annex to high-quality series offer a home. The new baby is named FOX Channel Germany and is an offshoot of the American FOX Network.
The program is full of series highlights, some of which are here already run or with a certain delay before the broadcast run on free TV are. (Eg the latest Lost episodes) Above all, imported the station a couple of shows that were previously ignored by the program makers are completely and finally to enjoy in Germany. Most attention is being to start the transmitter political drama The West Wing in which the plot turns in the White House around the fictional President Josiah Bartlet, magnificently illustrated by Martin Sheen. The first season was in 1999 in the United States and therefore comes with a nine-year delay, finally on our screens. Altogether there are seven seasons, the series was discontinued 2006th
Further, the College will be aired drama Greek or morbid comedy Reaper run. But most of all three highlights from the house HBO the jump will create across the Atlantic. The first makes the bizarre comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm with Seinfeld writer Larry David in Selbstpotrait. The series is legendary for their style, the scenes are without solid information writer at the studio recorded spontaneously and freely, describe what the actor as a magnificent experience and why Hollywood is semi-wild on a guest role.
In the near future the series Entourage follow the fictional actor Vincent Chase and his "crew" with a brilliant Jeremy Piven as the agent Ari Gold. is especially man gespannt auf fünf Staffeln The Wire warten. Dieses Baltimore-Drama des Autorenduos David Simons und Ed Burns liefert einen Einblick in die katastrophalen Verhältnisse in einer amerikanischen Großstadt zwischen sozialen Niedergang, Drogenhandel, korrupter Politik und einem kaputten Polizei-Department. The Wire ist einer der besten Serien, die je für das Fernsehen produziert wurden und ist in den USA gerade nach fünf Staffeln ausgelaufen.
FOX Channel Deutschland wird zudem noch The Sopranos wiederholen und da angeblich die Serie Carnivale geplant sein soll, kann der Sender fast mehr als ein Ableger von HBO als von FOX gesehen werden.
Die Ausrichtung des Sender leading to the admittedly this is not just cheap imports are broadcast. The series fans are the target group to be reached. Extols the program director Michael Westhoven also the financial benefit derived by subscribing to the channel to the DVD Acquisition. Very commendable addition to broadcast bilingual, so that the friends are not the original tone is too short. Also positive is the lack of commercial breaks in favor of the pay-television financing. As a major shortcoming, however, must be considered provisional broadcast in 4:3 format, since it no longer particularly timely, is finally in the U.S. is almost exclusively produced in widescreen format. In addition, bleibt abzuwarten, ob der Sender das angefangen Niveau auch auf Dauer halten kann. Die Highlights sind alle nicht unbedingt die Jüngsten und so viel qualitativ hochwertiges gibt der amerikanische Markt auch nicht her. Bleibt zu hoffen, das auch weiter gut eingekauft wird und auch vielleicht ein Blick nach Großbritannien gewagt wird, wo bekanntlich auch einige Schmanckerl auf ihren Import nach Deutschland warten.
FOX Channel Deutschland ist ab heute über die Sattelitenplattform von Arena zu empfangen, morgen folgen der Kabelanbieter Unitymedia . Mit weiteren Anbietern wird verhandelt und auch eine Verbreitung via IPTV is planned.
The program is full of series highlights, some of which are here already run or with a certain delay before the broadcast run on free TV are. (Eg the latest Lost episodes) Above all, imported the station a couple of shows that were previously ignored by the program makers are completely and finally to enjoy in Germany. Most attention is being to start the transmitter political drama The West Wing in which the plot turns in the White House around the fictional President Josiah Bartlet, magnificently illustrated by Martin Sheen. The first season was in 1999 in the United States and therefore comes with a nine-year delay, finally on our screens. Altogether there are seven seasons, the series was discontinued 2006th
Further, the College will be aired drama Greek or morbid comedy Reaper run. But most of all three highlights from the house HBO the jump will create across the Atlantic. The first makes the bizarre comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm with Seinfeld writer Larry David in Selbstpotrait. The series is legendary for their style, the scenes are without solid information writer at the studio recorded spontaneously and freely, describe what the actor as a magnificent experience and why Hollywood is semi-wild on a guest role.
In the near future the series Entourage follow the fictional actor Vincent Chase and his "crew" with a brilliant Jeremy Piven as the agent Ari Gold. is especially man gespannt auf fünf Staffeln The Wire warten. Dieses Baltimore-Drama des Autorenduos David Simons und Ed Burns liefert einen Einblick in die katastrophalen Verhältnisse in einer amerikanischen Großstadt zwischen sozialen Niedergang, Drogenhandel, korrupter Politik und einem kaputten Polizei-Department. The Wire ist einer der besten Serien, die je für das Fernsehen produziert wurden und ist in den USA gerade nach fünf Staffeln ausgelaufen.
FOX Channel Deutschland wird zudem noch The Sopranos wiederholen und da angeblich die Serie Carnivale geplant sein soll, kann der Sender fast mehr als ein Ableger von HBO als von FOX gesehen werden.
Die Ausrichtung des Sender leading to the admittedly this is not just cheap imports are broadcast. The series fans are the target group to be reached. Extols the program director Michael Westhoven also the financial benefit derived by subscribing to the channel to the DVD Acquisition. Very commendable addition to broadcast bilingual, so that the friends are not the original tone is too short. Also positive is the lack of commercial breaks in favor of the pay-television financing. As a major shortcoming, however, must be considered provisional broadcast in 4:3 format, since it no longer particularly timely, is finally in the U.S. is almost exclusively produced in widescreen format. In addition, bleibt abzuwarten, ob der Sender das angefangen Niveau auch auf Dauer halten kann. Die Highlights sind alle nicht unbedingt die Jüngsten und so viel qualitativ hochwertiges gibt der amerikanische Markt auch nicht her. Bleibt zu hoffen, das auch weiter gut eingekauft wird und auch vielleicht ein Blick nach Großbritannien gewagt wird, wo bekanntlich auch einige Schmanckerl auf ihren Import nach Deutschland warten.
FOX Channel Deutschland ist ab heute über die Sattelitenplattform von Arena zu empfangen, morgen folgen der Kabelanbieter Unitymedia . Mit weiteren Anbietern wird verhandelt und auch eine Verbreitung via IPTV is planned.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
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Werbung von gestern und Drogen von heute
As television stations in America are far less for large networks ( NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX ) or the two major pay-TV provider ( HBO, Showtime ) as producers of high-class series known. The boom of recent years and associated with the series of a station's image but also has smaller cable networks led to get involved as series producer. Now just makes the station AMC furore by vorgelgt has two unusual formats, which are as the surprises of the strike-torn season.
a breathtaking insight into the world of 1960 provides us Mad Men . The year is somewhere between the undefierbar stiff as the wild 50's and 60's. The setting is an advertising agency in Manhattan, where the postcards are designed Idylls of the advertising posters in a very contradictory context. The ad-Men are chauvinistic and anti-semitsich easily, constantly on drinking and smoking. The women just waiting to be considered the men willing playmates, driven by the hope of one to permanently bind to it later, or to keep it. The main protagonists of this series now contend
all with the role assigned to them in society but are so close to crisis by crisis.
is the way it still eineige to design advertising campaigns, which consisted partly still to this day have or exemplify the evolution of time and advertising. We may participate, as the macho ponder what women want, driven by the problem that the woman was discovered as a customer and are also advertised accordingly. Or is it the chances of Senator Kennedy will be discussed at the presidential office, still not even wear a hat. In such places are the one presented interesting from today's perspective, strange states of the time, which definitely contributes to personal appreciation of modern times.
In modern America also plays the other AMC Series Breaking Bad . Im Mittelpunkt steht Highschool Lehrer Walter H. White (Bryan Cranston, bekannt als der Vater aus Malcolm in the middle ), der gerade fünfzig geworden in eine schwere Sinnkrise gerät. Seine Schüler haben nichts für seine Leidenschaft für die Chemie übrig und wegen finanziellen Schwierigkeiten muss er zusätzlich noch an einem Carwash arbeiten. Das Familienleben mit dem behinderten Sohn und der Ebay-süchtigen Ehefrau ist zwar harmonisch, aber wenig aufregend. Der Schwager von
der DEA bringt ihn dann auf die Idee, dass man mit Drogen einfaches Geld machen kann und eine Spur Abenteuer gibt es noch dazu.
Und so gibt sich der brave Familienvater in bester Falling Down -style on a trip of a crime with a touch of madness. With his passion for chemistry, he acts as a talented chef in one of many privately run drug labs for methamphetamine, which covers the drug as cheap rural America like a plague. The comparison to the Nancy Botwin from Weeds convenient, of course, but instead of the beautiful mother of a family from the suburbs of LA, it's the stereotype of the average American from a small town in New Mexico that looks like any other in the vast country in America. The unusual scene makes the story appealing, the transform of the Walter White is evil out to cheer for something.
The critics are in charge at AMC in any case at his feet and this will be safe with such a success rub their hands as they stand now with two signboards. Mad Men has garnered also immediately two Golden Globes, including the coveted best drama for the series, and the rate was decent. The strategy is certainly trying to continue and it will probably be only a matter of time before the next small cable network with a quality attack against the big moves in the industry. Certainly, much to the delight of the discerning audience.
a breathtaking insight into the world of 1960 provides us Mad Men . The year is somewhere between the undefierbar stiff as the wild 50's and 60's. The setting is an advertising agency in Manhattan, where the postcards are designed Idylls of the advertising posters in a very contradictory context. The ad-Men are chauvinistic and anti-semitsich easily, constantly on drinking and smoking. The women just waiting to be considered the men willing playmates, driven by the hope of one to permanently bind to it later, or to keep it. The main protagonists of this series now contend
is the way it still eineige to design advertising campaigns, which consisted partly still to this day have or exemplify the evolution of time and advertising. We may participate, as the macho ponder what women want, driven by the problem that the woman was discovered as a customer and are also advertised accordingly. Or is it the chances of Senator Kennedy will be discussed at the presidential office, still not even wear a hat. In such places are the one presented interesting from today's perspective, strange states of the time, which definitely contributes to personal appreciation of modern times.
In modern America also plays the other AMC Series Breaking Bad . Im Mittelpunkt steht Highschool Lehrer Walter H. White (Bryan Cranston, bekannt als der Vater aus Malcolm in the middle ), der gerade fünfzig geworden in eine schwere Sinnkrise gerät. Seine Schüler haben nichts für seine Leidenschaft für die Chemie übrig und wegen finanziellen Schwierigkeiten muss er zusätzlich noch an einem Carwash arbeiten. Das Familienleben mit dem behinderten Sohn und der Ebay-süchtigen Ehefrau ist zwar harmonisch, aber wenig aufregend. Der Schwager von
Und so gibt sich der brave Familienvater in bester Falling Down -style on a trip of a crime with a touch of madness. With his passion for chemistry, he acts as a talented chef in one of many privately run drug labs for methamphetamine, which covers the drug as cheap rural America like a plague. The comparison to the Nancy Botwin from Weeds convenient, of course, but instead of the beautiful mother of a family from the suburbs of LA, it's the stereotype of the average American from a small town in New Mexico that looks like any other in the vast country in America. The unusual scene makes the story appealing, the transform of the Walter White is evil out to cheer for something.
The critics are in charge at AMC in any case at his feet and this will be safe with such a success rub their hands as they stand now with two signboards. Mad Men has garnered also immediately two Golden Globes, including the coveted best drama for the series, and the rate was decent. The strategy is certainly trying to continue and it will probably be only a matter of time before the next small cable network with a quality attack against the big moves in the industry. Certainly, much to the delight of the discerning audience.
Monday, March 31, 2008
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Das kurze regelmäßige Vergnügen
The development of video formats on the Internet has in the recent years, a stunning development occurred. From the formerly heavily pixelated and almost eternal streams are loaded with offerings become acceptable quality. This is now used mainly by piracy and adolescent self-promoter. But next to it became more and more a scene that seeks quality content for the Internet to produce, beyond the monologue of a person.
What can one say about these formats? Well, they are especially adapted to the time needs of its predominantly young audience, and therefore usually very short. Instead, there are new episodes periodically. Most formats, but also you notice that the makers lack the financial resources zur Verfügung stehen, wie es im TV-Business der Fall ist. Deshalb sind sie einfach gehalten oder gleich bewußt trashig. Da aber auch der Kontroll- und Verwaltungsapparat der Industrie umgangen wird, sind sie oft auch orgineller oder provozierender als die TV-Inhalte, ähnlich wie der Slogan von Berlin gilt: Arm aber sexy.
Die Zielgruppe ist offensichtlich die junge urbane Bevölkerung, die sich die Shows während der Arbeitspausen anschaut, auf mobile Geräte für den Weg zur Arbeit lädt oder sie sonstwie nebenher ansieht. Deshalb bewegen sich die meisten Shows auch im Comedy-Bereich oder stellen eine Art Entertainment dar, mit welcher Entwicklungen oder Trends im modernen Leben rund um das Internet thematisiert werden. Durch the pre-connected commercials can earn a little money-maker and secure a commitment to great success in the entertainment industry with the right grease money pots.
The selection is great and the shows will be from week to week more. What style of flowers or scrap which can be related to that, I will show in the next few weeks based on individual shows. Anyone who wants to advance an overview is the blog on the subject Tilzy.tv to heart.
What can one say about these formats? Well, they are especially adapted to the time needs of its predominantly young audience, and therefore usually very short. Instead, there are new episodes periodically. Most formats, but also you notice that the makers lack the financial resources zur Verfügung stehen, wie es im TV-Business der Fall ist. Deshalb sind sie einfach gehalten oder gleich bewußt trashig. Da aber auch der Kontroll- und Verwaltungsapparat der Industrie umgangen wird, sind sie oft auch orgineller oder provozierender als die TV-Inhalte, ähnlich wie der Slogan von Berlin gilt: Arm aber sexy.
Die Zielgruppe ist offensichtlich die junge urbane Bevölkerung, die sich die Shows während der Arbeitspausen anschaut, auf mobile Geräte für den Weg zur Arbeit lädt oder sie sonstwie nebenher ansieht. Deshalb bewegen sich die meisten Shows auch im Comedy-Bereich oder stellen eine Art Entertainment dar, mit welcher Entwicklungen oder Trends im modernen Leben rund um das Internet thematisiert werden. Durch the pre-connected commercials can earn a little money-maker and secure a commitment to great success in the entertainment industry with the right grease money pots.
The selection is great and the shows will be from week to week more. What style of flowers or scrap which can be related to that, I will show in the next few weeks based on individual shows. Anyone who wants to advance an overview is the blog on the subject Tilzy.tv to heart.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
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Von der Entwicklung überrollt
did on the television market in the past few weeks a lot. First off I have to admit that the development of HDTV in Germany, two small steps forward and has made a world Riessen jump. Thus, the blog entry from 16.2. been overtaken by reality. The cultural channel Arte , a collaboration of public broadcasters in France and Germany, has announced for the summer of the high-definition broadcasting. In addition, plans and the commercial stations € sport with a HDTV service. But at the moment there is nothing to learn whether in Deuschland.
With the decision by some Hollywood studios and U.S. retail chain Wal-Mart the battle of the formats was decided. The high-definition support for Blu-Ray at home will be. Customers in Europe looked a little puzzled from washing, because this country HD-DVD had been in the lead. Not so on the more important and amerikansichem japansichem market, but the final decisions were negotiated between business strategists and had little to do with customer preferences. Thus, a boom of related equipment is expected because now omitted the format uncertainty.
in the media but were not tired, behind one that tries to still have the information that the media in disc form, either way has no future. These include the transfer from the Internet, fly with the strapless movies into the living rooms. Angsichts increasing constipation des Internets durch Videomaterial von Youtube und co., sind solche Zukunftsvisionen aber nur mit einer massiven Ausweitung der Datenkapazitäten denkbar.
Vor einigen Monaten habe ich die Auferstehung des Leo Kirch beschrieben, in der folgenden Entwicklung ist aber ein weiteres Schreckgespenst auf den deutschen Markt zurückgekehrt: Der australisch-amerikanische Medienmogul Rupert Murdoch ist mit seiner News-Coporation bei Premiere eingestiegen, anfangs wurden die 14,58% von Unity-Media übernommen, was kurz darauf auf knapp 20% aufgestockt wurde. Von Seiten Premiere wird dies als eine Reaktion auf die neuen Vermarktungspläne der Deutschen Fussball-Ligen and church company Sirius attributed to acquire new capital campaign.
is now the latest message that now is an offshoot of America To Be Safe Fox Networks is planned in Germany at which is also part of News Corporation . A license was sought from the State Media Authority of Berlin-Brandenburg. Fox in the U.S. is a popular especially among young people network which this country is particularly known for its imported shows like The Simpsons , Family Guy, Prison Break or 24.
had in the late 90s, he assumed the women's channel TM3 und mit Champions League Fussball zu puschen versucht, mit aber nur mässigen Erfolg. Ein erneuter Angriff auf den deutschen Free-TV-Markt seitens Murdochs ist dies aber nicht. Der neu FOX-Sender wird ein Pay-TV angebot werden, der wahrscheinlich ab Mai auf der Plattform von Premiere zu finden sein wird. Murdoch hätte auch einen richtigen neunen Anlauf starten können, da der Sender Das Vierte zu Disposition stand. Die Besitzer NBC-Universial fanden aber keinen Käufer, Murdochs Schritte auf dem deutschen Markt sind also vorerst nur kleine. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob daraus mehr wird. Sein katastrophaler Ruf eilt im jedenfalls immer voraus, ob nun die Einschränkung der journalistische Freiheit der von ihm held media, the obvious support of Bush Administraion his station FOX News or benevolent concessions to China's censorship efforts, the examples are numerous.
With the decision by some Hollywood studios and U.S. retail chain Wal-Mart the battle of the formats was decided. The high-definition support for Blu-Ray at home will be. Customers in Europe looked a little puzzled from washing, because this country HD-DVD had been in the lead. Not so on the more important and amerikansichem japansichem market, but the final decisions were negotiated between business strategists and had little to do with customer preferences. Thus, a boom of related equipment is expected because now omitted the format uncertainty.
in the media but were not tired, behind one that tries to still have the information that the media in disc form, either way has no future. These include the transfer from the Internet, fly with the strapless movies into the living rooms. Angsichts increasing constipation des Internets durch Videomaterial von Youtube und co., sind solche Zukunftsvisionen aber nur mit einer massiven Ausweitung der Datenkapazitäten denkbar.
Vor einigen Monaten habe ich die Auferstehung des Leo Kirch beschrieben, in der folgenden Entwicklung ist aber ein weiteres Schreckgespenst auf den deutschen Markt zurückgekehrt: Der australisch-amerikanische Medienmogul Rupert Murdoch ist mit seiner News-Coporation bei Premiere eingestiegen, anfangs wurden die 14,58% von Unity-Media übernommen, was kurz darauf auf knapp 20% aufgestockt wurde. Von Seiten Premiere wird dies als eine Reaktion auf die neuen Vermarktungspläne der Deutschen Fussball-Ligen and church company Sirius attributed to acquire new capital campaign.
is now the latest message that now is an offshoot of America To Be Safe Fox Networks is planned in Germany at which is also part of News Corporation . A license was sought from the State Media Authority of Berlin-Brandenburg. Fox in the U.S. is a popular especially among young people network which this country is particularly known for its imported shows like The Simpsons , Family Guy, Prison Break or 24.
had in the late 90s, he assumed the women's channel TM3 und mit Champions League Fussball zu puschen versucht, mit aber nur mässigen Erfolg. Ein erneuter Angriff auf den deutschen Free-TV-Markt seitens Murdochs ist dies aber nicht. Der neu FOX-Sender wird ein Pay-TV angebot werden, der wahrscheinlich ab Mai auf der Plattform von Premiere zu finden sein wird. Murdoch hätte auch einen richtigen neunen Anlauf starten können, da der Sender Das Vierte zu Disposition stand. Die Besitzer NBC-Universial fanden aber keinen Käufer, Murdochs Schritte auf dem deutschen Markt sind also vorerst nur kleine. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob daraus mehr wird. Sein katastrophaler Ruf eilt im jedenfalls immer voraus, ob nun die Einschränkung der journalistische Freiheit der von ihm held media, the obvious support of Bush Administraion his station FOX News or benevolent concessions to China's censorship efforts, the examples are numerous.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Solution Electric Box Iphone Lebel 41
Zukunft vertagt
When talking about HDTV, we view ourselves and the Atlantic kammen already lagging for a long time ago, but now the first tender blossoms of the high-resolution HDTV offerings have been punched. The ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG today announced its free empangbaren offers ProSieben HD and Sat1 HD again. With renews is scheduled in 2010. This currently only offers Premiere HD , Discovery HD and Anixe HD . The public-sector Snede plan at the earliest with the Olympic Winter Games in 2010 with the introduction of high definition TV. The high-definition DVDs are more expensive and dirty, the new Spielkonolen are not exactly hit the market. So one has necessarily the question, what do the people love the matter with their expensive flat panel Sun was
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
What Is The Differenc Between 1500 And 1600
"bed Mühldorfer - Success against the trend" show
Mühldorfer make your bed is going well - Haidmühler bed maker expects sales growth of 35 percent
Haidmühle / Ruderting. "We make beds for years successfully bucking the trend - And this year, this applies especially, "said Elizabeth Hinton, together with her sister Maximiliana Pang heads the Mühldorfer GmbH Co. KG, now in the PNP-call set.
The managing partner expects Haidmühler company this year sales of "more than six million euros," which would be over 2006, an increase of more than 35 percent. Main cause for this are increased orders from five star hotels. Earlier this year, about half of sales to customers in the Middle East was being made. "And with the expansion of the Asia business, we want to secure its growth," said Hinton, die derzeit 50 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt.
Der Familienbetrieb besitzt Filialen in Passau, München, Landshut, Deggendorf, Burghausen, Straubing, Pfarrkirchen und Bayreuth. Er unterhält eine eigene Produktion im In- und Ausland, gründete eine Firma in Rumänien und stattet u.a. weltweit Fünf-Sterne-Hotellerie aus.
Auf einem von Alexandra Horsch und Manuela Schramm {und Sandra Bachl} veranstalteten Unternehmerinnenabend in Ruderting stellte Hintermann die Erfolgskomponenten ihrer Firma vor. Sie nannte dabei vor allem die Konzentration auf ein Produkt - das Bett- , die Fokussierung auf Qualität und Innovation, die erfolgreiche Eroberung neuer Kunden und Märkte sowie Spaß an der Arbeit.
Vor Geschäftsfrauen and founders of the districts of Passau, Rottal-Inn, Deggendorf, Freyung-Grafenau said the entrepreneur, the world could be successful only as a low-cost, or total quality producer. You count on the quality, use preshrunk yarns and in spring water washed down, have an Oeko-Tex test number. To stay on top, continuous innovations are needed to reach Mühldorfer including through collaboration with physicians. Important for the success was also the consideration of one's actions and offer from a customer perspective. All transactions, whether purchasing, production, consultancy or service, were aimed at Mühldorf. Equally crucial
are the creation of networks, because this would facilitate the acquisition of new customers, openness to new markets, adapting to different customs and traditions - and honesty. This product has a peak and just managed Mühldorfer to win in Dubai 80 percent of the luxury hotels as clients.
Caption: Eva-Maria Casagrande, Alexandra Horsch, Lisa Hinton, Manuela Schramm, Sandra Bachl
References: Text: si / wild fire image: wild fire, published in the Passauer Neue Presse 04.12.2007

Mühldorfer make your bed is going well - Haidmühler bed maker expects sales growth of 35 percent
Haidmühle / Ruderting. "We make beds for years successfully bucking the trend - And this year, this applies especially, "said Elizabeth Hinton, together with her sister Maximiliana Pang heads the Mühldorfer GmbH Co. KG, now in the PNP-call set.
The managing partner expects Haidmühler company this year sales of "more than six million euros," which would be over 2006, an increase of more than 35 percent. Main cause for this are increased orders from five star hotels. Earlier this year, about half of sales to customers in the Middle East was being made. "And with the expansion of the Asia business, we want to secure its growth," said Hinton, die derzeit 50 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt.
Der Familienbetrieb besitzt Filialen in Passau, München, Landshut, Deggendorf, Burghausen, Straubing, Pfarrkirchen und Bayreuth. Er unterhält eine eigene Produktion im In- und Ausland, gründete eine Firma in Rumänien und stattet u.a. weltweit Fünf-Sterne-Hotellerie aus.
Auf einem von Alexandra Horsch und Manuela Schramm {und Sandra Bachl} veranstalteten Unternehmerinnenabend in Ruderting stellte Hintermann die Erfolgskomponenten ihrer Firma vor. Sie nannte dabei vor allem die Konzentration auf ein Produkt - das Bett- , die Fokussierung auf Qualität und Innovation, die erfolgreiche Eroberung neuer Kunden und Märkte sowie Spaß an der Arbeit.
Vor Geschäftsfrauen and founders of the districts of Passau, Rottal-Inn, Deggendorf, Freyung-Grafenau said the entrepreneur, the world could be successful only as a low-cost, or total quality producer. You count on the quality, use preshrunk yarns and in spring water washed down, have an Oeko-Tex test number. To stay on top, continuous innovations are needed to reach Mühldorfer including through collaboration with physicians. Important for the success was also the consideration of one's actions and offer from a customer perspective. All transactions, whether purchasing, production, consultancy or service, were aimed at Mühldorf. Equally crucial
are the creation of networks, because this would facilitate the acquisition of new customers, openness to new markets, adapting to different customs and traditions - and honesty. This product has a peak and just managed Mühldorfer to win in Dubai 80 percent of the luxury hotels as clients.
Caption: Eva-Maria Casagrande, Alexandra Horsch, Lisa Hinton, Manuela Schramm, Sandra Bachl
References: Text: si / wild fire image: wild fire, published in the Passauer Neue Presse 04.12.2007
Mandingo How's My Driving Mp3
entrepreneurs business fashion
Ruderting (tw). Current, classic and custom-made Fashion Business presented model of the studio Sabine Egger in Passau on the first cross-border entrepreneurs evening, held at the country inn to the miller in Ruderting.
It is something for every budget, fashion designer Sabine Egger said at the presentation of models, including a dress made of jersey, a jacket made of wool, tunic and short cloak. What makes the clothing materials are made of natural fibers and high comfort. Sabine Egger manufactures clothes according to their own designs. Important to her, the clients who come from all over Germany, is satisfied. It succeeds her to balance work and family, said organizer Alexandra Horsch.
the over 50 participants, from the city and county {} Passau, Deggendorf circles, Rottal-Inn and Freyung-Grafenau first time and came from Austria, prepared it fun to try out the collections and to feel the precious substances. They represented various industries from the concierge service and tax office on wine trade and advertising agency, to interior design and wellness.
goal of the evening, women entrepreneurs is to form a network of company representatives from various areas of communication, ideas and advice. It enables women, in a relaxed atmosphere and make for informative talks business contacts, exchange business cards and services, craft and art of women entrepreneurs to learn from the region.
regularly to the meetings appears the magazine "Women Entrepreneurs in mind," edited by Sandra {Bachl layouts in Passau} in which companies can present themselves holders, women managers and female entrepreneurs.
Caption: fashion designer Sabine Egger pointed to the first cross-border entrepreneurs evening materials from natural fibers and clothing with comfort.
Sources: Text and image: Theresa Wild Fire, article published in the Passauer Neue Presse of 09.10.2007

Ruderting (tw). Current, classic and custom-made Fashion Business presented model of the studio Sabine Egger in Passau on the first cross-border entrepreneurs evening, held at the country inn to the miller in Ruderting.
It is something for every budget, fashion designer Sabine Egger said at the presentation of models, including a dress made of jersey, a jacket made of wool, tunic and short cloak. What makes the clothing materials are made of natural fibers and high comfort. Sabine Egger manufactures clothes according to their own designs. Important to her, the clients who come from all over Germany, is satisfied. It succeeds her to balance work and family, said organizer Alexandra Horsch.
the over 50 participants, from the city and county {} Passau, Deggendorf circles, Rottal-Inn and Freyung-Grafenau first time and came from Austria, prepared it fun to try out the collections and to feel the precious substances. They represented various industries from the concierge service and tax office on wine trade and advertising agency, to interior design and wellness.
goal of the evening, women entrepreneurs is to form a network of company representatives from various areas of communication, ideas and advice. It enables women, in a relaxed atmosphere and make for informative talks business contacts, exchange business cards and services, craft and art of women entrepreneurs to learn from the region.
regularly to the meetings appears the magazine "Women Entrepreneurs in mind," edited by Sandra {Bachl layouts in Passau} in which companies can present themselves holders, women managers and female entrepreneurs.
Caption: fashion designer Sabine Egger pointed to the first cross-border entrepreneurs evening materials from natural fibers and clothing with comfort.
Sources: Text and image: Theresa Wild Fire, article published in the Passauer Neue Presse of 09.10.2007
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