Mühldorfer make your bed is going well - Haidmühler bed maker expects sales growth of 35 percent
Haidmühle / Ruderting. "We make beds for years successfully bucking the trend - And this year, this applies especially, "said Elizabeth Hinton, together with her sister Maximiliana Pang heads the Mühldorfer GmbH Co. KG, now in the PNP-call set.
The managing partner expects Haidmühler company this year sales of "more than six million euros," which would be over 2006, an increase of more than 35 percent. Main cause for this are increased orders from five star hotels. Earlier this year, about half of sales to customers in the Middle East was being made. "And with the expansion of the Asia business, we want to secure its growth," said Hinton, die derzeit 50 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt.
Der Familienbetrieb besitzt Filialen in Passau, München, Landshut, Deggendorf, Burghausen, Straubing, Pfarrkirchen und Bayreuth. Er unterhält eine eigene Produktion im In- und Ausland, gründete eine Firma in Rumänien und stattet u.a. weltweit Fünf-Sterne-Hotellerie aus.
Auf einem von Alexandra Horsch und Manuela Schramm {und Sandra Bachl} veranstalteten Unternehmerinnenabend in Ruderting stellte Hintermann die Erfolgskomponenten ihrer Firma vor. Sie nannte dabei vor allem die Konzentration auf ein Produkt - das Bett- , die Fokussierung auf Qualität und Innovation, die erfolgreiche Eroberung neuer Kunden und Märkte sowie Spaß an der Arbeit.
Vor Geschäftsfrauen and founders of the districts of Passau, Rottal-Inn, Deggendorf, Freyung-Grafenau said the entrepreneur, the world could be successful only as a low-cost, or total quality producer. You count on the quality, use preshrunk yarns and in spring water washed down, have an Oeko-Tex test number. To stay on top, continuous innovations are needed to reach Mühldorfer including through collaboration with physicians. Important for the success was also the consideration of one's actions and offer from a customer perspective. All transactions, whether purchasing, production, consultancy or service, were aimed at Mühldorf. Equally crucial
are the creation of networks, because this would facilitate the acquisition of new customers, openness to new markets, adapting to different customs and traditions - and honesty. This product has a peak and just managed Mühldorfer to win in Dubai 80 percent of the luxury hotels as clients.
Caption: Eva-Maria Casagrande, Alexandra Horsch, Lisa Hinton, Manuela Schramm, Sandra Bachl
References: Text: si / wild fire image: wild fire, published in the Passauer Neue Presse 04.12.2007
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