In der Sonderwirtschaftszone Hong Kong angekommen
Travel to Hong Kong was special. Although the former colony of Great Britain since 1997 is part of China, the city will remain a special status. The Entering the country at least will have the passport control as with a normal border crossing to go through.
Even otherwise quite different in Hong Kong ...
... here, for example, many foreigners allowed to settle. Such international community, we have never encountered any case in China. Wiren we have to get used to, not constantly patterned from the bottom up would be ;-)
... finally we can restore zugreiffen on any website! For example on our blog page. Means that the sensors of the censors in Beijing but not extend into the last corner of China!
... the city image is close such as that of a Western metropolis. Konsuntempel follows another temple of consumption and the cuisine, including bars and pubs is remarkable.
... the big city, in spite of 7 million inhabitants, is very compact and manageable and equipped with a transparent and functioning public transport system.
... to "decent" behavior in our sense is very down value. To ban signs are lacking and are truly not at fault, you must expect draconian penalties.
... such a density of skyscrapers experience unlike his peers. However, the landmarks are then sown but rather thin. Specifically, it is the very short time can get into the green.
Per Bus we visited, for example, after a short ride two nice bays on the other side of the island. Only there the weather was not very kind to us - it rains almost constantly.
When the bad weather bruhigte and the view a little better we could dare the trip to the Victoria Peak, at its base, the center of Hong Kong's hugs. The view was very impressive!
equal then it went to the nearby island of Lantau, one of Hong Kong's recreational areas. Almost the entire hilly island is covered by forest and beaches and Buchten umgeben. Hauptattraktin ist ein auf einer Erhöhung trohnender, riesiger Buddha.
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