Monday, November 29, 2010

Can U Buy Valium Off The Counter?

Kill the troll teams?

quite experienced with the new combat forces to kill an expansion team, a new revival. The rules have been lightened and the normal 40k game in the 5th Edition is another interesting facet added.
The rules can put together great, very fluffy fighting squads and have fun. One can for a total of 200 points: buy

0-1 0-2 0-1 Standard

units. Each model in the unit operates during the game as a single unit and may his Attacks on individual models are aimed. There are also a few other special rules, eg you can kill per team specialists also determine special rules. It will be played with for 36 x 36-48 x48 inch panels emphasizes plenty of outdoor space. I make these games a lot of fun, especially because one quickly the 200 points added together and the games could be played quite fast. The great thing is that you sometimes just sometimes people can try a different / another army. With less than 50 € you have in most cases quickly set up a force and perhaps this is the beginning of a "right" 40k army.
The rules in the mission book are well understood only as a basis and are not particularly audgereift. Thus, there are many gaps that had sprung up in the play and we have made in the club accordingly. Here are our rule additions:
  • transport vehicles can carry as many models as they have specified as the transport capacity. Models may begin the game within the vehicle.
  • for vehicles (which actually have no MW in profile) is the standard moral values \u200b\u200bof the occupation in Codex described is used (eg Space Marine Rhino with MW = 8, IA = chimera soldier with MW 7, etc.).
  • positive and negative effects within the normal 40k concern in its own unit, eg paramedics, some banners, special skills (eg Sergeant Telion, develop low-hold etc. its effect within 2 "to the question / model concerned about or can be applied to other models. This of course only for equipment and skills that only is then as long as the model work on the table and have a separate range in the rules, see eg Sanguiniuspriester or Company Standard Bearer -. for them to work unchanged
  • been if shot in the firing phase models may only this (potential survivors) attacked be.
  • The really optional special rule with the specialists will be the default rule.
Otherwise, the rules of combat forces from the book, the codices and the rule book remains fully.

What are your experiences and plays her Kill Teams?


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