As mentioned in yesterday's post, and I came Scrum against each other. The aim should be to Kill Points with the statement "Pitched Battle". I limit myself to the main events and try to keep myself short.
Scrum picked out a beautiful site and set up first. What a shit! Worse, it would hardly be able to start for me. At least I thought so at this time.
So I put all my bugs in my right side to avoid the enemy fire the first round. In addition, they were relatively compact in order to benefit from the Toxotrophe and Tervigon can.
In the first two rounds, we both moved towards each other and I made absolutely nothing, to die. And who of course had to first go on it? Clearly, my two guards swarm on it went, without just fired a single shot. * Argl *
After all my hard Tervigon casted "Katalyst", keeping the losses in Ganten low.
I was therefore no alternative than anything as aggressive as possible to throw in close combat. Along the way, many a few Ganten and lost Tervigon make matters worse, two more life. One of my managed Gante troops finally in the melee with the Imptrupp the forest on the hill and beat the guys the next two trains the shit out of them.
On my left flank, was an infantry squad and the Sentinel dangerously close with heavy flame thrower. I put everything on a card and left the hatch Tervigon some Ganten. It fell 5-1 - 1 Shoot! Ganten managed only seven and that was the for the rest of the game.
The 7 Ganten it in the melee after all, then to destroy the flame thrower and the Sentinel to bind at the moment.
Scrum saw his fur now but swim away and was daring. He did get his veterans, roared several commands and then opened a real plasma, laser and Melterfeuer to bring to the Tervigon route. Thanks to good defense and cover saves (by Toxotrophe) he lost only 2 LP!
When I finally was my turn, the Tervigon escaped in the melee with the veterans and my third Gante squad in close combat with the Guard troops, who marched behind the Sentinel was. The Toxotrophe was then flattened by the HQ-chimera and the fighting continued.
By the end of lap 5, I had already made up and it was 3:3 Kill Point, because I, as a winner from all melee hervorging.. Es sollte aber auch noch eine sechste Runde geben!
Scrum gab noch einmal alles, schaffte es aber nicht den Tervigon auszuschalten. Ich rüstete einfach zu gut. Im Gegenzug verpflückte der Tervigon die HQ-Chimäre und einer der Gantentrupps zerfetzen den letzten normalen Infanteristen auf dem Feld. Hiernach endete das Spiel mit 5:3 Killpoints für mich.
Zugegebenermaßen war meine Liste bei 500 Punkten ziemlich hart und anti, doch als direkt am Anfang sich 100 Punkte in Form der Schwarmwachen verabschiedeten, sah die Sache ganz anders aus. Der Tervigon überlebte auch nur mit viel Glück und ich selbst bin von einem Sieg Scrums ausgegangen. Die Würfelgötter wollten es aber different and that made the game more exciting. Strangely, this is at scrum of the day. I remember it like a game of Forge Hammers back to his wolves. >> Link \u0026lt;\u0026lt;
Thanks to the hosts bat and Scrum for the great game.
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