Friday, December 17, 2010

Gay Cruising In Arizona

review of "Ultra Marine" messenger of death, the film

Allen, despite severe weather warnings was found yesterday a pile of a small but aleatoric, to watch the new movie Ultramarines. I would like to take this opportunity to mustard to the Flim issue in itself, without revealing too much about the content.

The film comes in a smart slipcase with a hardcover comic (32 pages) and metal DVD case, in which there are two DVDs. On one DVD, the film with its 76 minutes long and on the other disc contains the bonus features such as a Making Of, interviews, etc. For his 20 € (postage counted out), there is definitely a "valued" product in the hands.

tears The content of the comic briefly the history of the film. So, like a handful of neophytes to Space Marines were. This is nice, but nothing more. Many Warhammer Monthly comic I did there alone in style better. But well, that's a matter of taste.

I would like to say that the film is aimed at people who know for 40k also to do something. Apart from the comic book and a couple of boring phrases at the beginning of the film is really nothing else explains the background of what "normal" people can be something in the rain.

There was much grumbling about the look of the film. At the level of DOW II intros he is really not approach. Most of the action scenes are swept langweliig and empty. Not nothing that the film takes place largely on board a cruiser and assault in the desert. Well, more details are more expensive labor, money and time, but given the sometimes odd-looking film and the physics of the movements of the Marines it is also a hard turning a blind fanboy all eyes. The armor, however, are well done and detailed and in women with low motion sequences, the film looks really good! When even this did voice-capture, why not also capture directly the entire movement?

about the sound and the music I can not say much. The music seemed to be okay. They hit me every Fall nicht auf den Zeiger, gleichzeitig kann ich mich aber auch gar nicht an sie erinnern. Die englische Sprachausgabe passt gut, die deutsche soll dagegen nicht so toll und etwas hölzern sein. Leider habe ich gestern völlig vergessen das noch  zu checken. Insgesamt ist der Film aber etwas zu leise und man muss die Boxen schon lauter als normalerweise drehen.
An zwei Stellen im Film war der Sound zudem so schlecht abgemischt, dass es erhebliche Schwankungen in der Lautstärke gab und man das Gesagte gar nicht mehr verstehen konnte. Ein Verlust ist dies aber nicht, da die Dialoge ohnehin ziemlich platt sind. Immerhin ein Gutes haben sprechende Ultramarines an sich - und zwar wissen wir nun wie man Macragge richtig ausspricht. Mäkrääg? Mäkrääg!

In the film, Marines move quick as weasels, stoats and wooden power armor is, in principle, absolutely. The armor is slightly disproportionate, seem to have no net work and also completely silent. Anarchists and Ultras would also be able to run around naked, as were picked apart by fire and close combat.
Indeed one gets the impression that it is the Ultra Marines the Warrior Elite of the Empire. They die like flies and there is no way to compare the film with normal people, there is the equipment, the size and capabilities, which act Marines ziemlich unelitär. Von den Chaoten mit ihren Äonen an Erfahrung ganz zu schweigen. Was zum Teufel macht denn eine ganze Kompanie von Imperial Fists auf diesem verschissenen Planeten ohne ein Schiff in der Nähe und ohne ein einziges Fahrzeug? Eine ganze Kompanie reicht normalerweise aus, um z.b. eine Rebellion niederzuschlagen oder einen ganzen Krieg zu führen!

Gut ist hingegen die Darstellung der Funktionsweise der Bolter gelungen. Auch die Art und Weise wie sich der Land Speeder fortbewegt, überzeugt. Trotzdem gibt es noch genug Sachen, die einen den Kopf schütteln lassen. Was soll die Kapelle direkt zwischen den Triebwerken des Angriffskreuzers? Was sollte das mit dieser doofen Aura from the Crozius of religious priest? Why do the Marines land speeder just like back on this stupid planet? Actually everything is a real battle of material and waste and nothing is "Honour your Wargear." Etc.

The oh-so-critically acclaimed story that will iron out the weaknesses of others, is quite simple knit. Voltage is unfortunately different. If there were a movie to the book, this would be only between 30 - 50 pages long, and would therefore more like a short story. Therefore, it is difficult to sympathize with the characters develop, let alone to care for them, as this rather "pale" come along and the film simply too short.

The film with its 76 minutes is not just long and with the reductions in the optics and the entertaining story, I see him less as a "real" film. From the feel and the claim here, is "Ultramarines" somewhere between a 25-minute episode of a television series and a pilot located for any such intervention. Nix half and nothing quite level.

Conclusion: The film makes the 40k universe, no better and no worse. He just has too many weaknesses "right" to see him too well and to get carried around. Therefore, I "Ultramarines" only give 5 out of 10 possible points .
Someone who has nothing with 40k on the hat and the thing looks neutral, should find the film rather worse. It is hoped that this is only the first real attempt at a commercial film and implementation of the next movie, just because of the experience gained is now better.

on BOLS there was a week yet to see a new original from the film (unfortunately the sound is very quiet):

For almost 32 € uronic I will not get the movie (see also below), it should However, as announced next year as a normal edition will be available in the shop regularly, I'll think about it.

* * *

Two of us had ordered the film in one order. One film was already Tuesday here, the others took two days longer. WTF? You have to understand that each film will be shipped and billed separately. Meanwhile, the redesigned web shop and it is given only one complete price. Advance could be seen that the postage costs constituted over 10 €. For each movie ordered, the postage due and they accumulate accordingly. In a multiple order of 10 Filmen gibt es also keine Ersparnis in irgend einer Form, da jeder Falm für sich abgerechnet und einzeln versandt wird.
So ein Quatsch! Auf eine Emailanfrage zu dem Thema bzgl. der kumulierenden Versandkosten bekam ich folgende Antwort:
Hi Talarion!
  The orders are processed as part of a VAT exemption scheme and therefore need to be treated separately.
We hope that you will consider the delivered price of EU31 as good value and not focus on the how this has been split out for us to be tax efficient.

Support Team
Super - all that is good intention. For me, an absolute knock-out criterion, not to order the film. The whole thing can be beautiful on a quote from one of the producers to reduce the GD: "GW gave us the rights to make it, but no money."


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