Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Does A Cuisanart Crush Ice

Death from above

As you can see, the two last Zoantrophen and become my quick crisis response team finished. Already, the team was able to prove in use for a 1750 points strong Space Marine army. The landing spores reached quite fast and the area and the occupants were able to intervene effectively, despite the near Psimatrix the battle scene. Immediately after the landing was as a Land Raider in the air. Unfortunately, there was the rest of my troops dispersed and so were the Zoantrophen shot down pretty quickly. The Nemesis had, unfortunately, hardly "soft" targets, and despite the moral value test 3d6 managed the Space Marines that all too often, so this not really came into play.
All this would have been half as bad if the rest of the game would not run so crappy. First, you stole my initiative and my offensively established troops had to make in the first two rounds already over 1 / 3 of their total points. But well, shit happens and I have learned. The most important lesson for today is:
"no unit on site, from you know not what they can do and what to ."

This lesson I now bitterly at use of the absorber and Malathrope learned. The Malanthrope acted fairly unprotected and without the right job on the left Nimble and was shot very quickly clumping. The absorber scurried without action on the battlefield and twice I forgot it completely. Finally, the "dependent" critters gave in Round 6 on their mind after the last close synapse was cut. Such was the principle with two units mentioned in the last common use also and therefore I can just annoy me about yourself. For 10 points less I would also get a "overpriced" Neurofex. But at least what would have torn ...

my collection for next major Games I'll think twice that in the future. Has not one of you may already have experience with the Malanthrope, want to share it?
As a revenge, there was still a small conciliatory against chaos demons with 1000 points, and which I had all the bells and whistles at home. As expected, at the end of Round 5 is not a demon out of disk and I had maybe 30 Ganten, a Toxotrophe and here and there a couple of health points at a few models tougher lost.

Thanks to this site on "wrath_child" for this nice, exciting, and not least instructive afternoon / evening.


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