Thursday, October 25, 2007


Welcome to the Hall of Shame!

but a very original winner there in östereischen Big Brother Awards. The judges of the prize to people who are "field of surveillance, Free and Open Source have made very great service, decided, among others for the series authors Anthony E. Zuiker . This was his series CSI of the ongoing monitoring and restriction proved the rights of citizens a disservice by these circumstances has played down fictional

is in the jury, among other things.
present "The CSI series dragnet, DNA analysis and the slash" side of civil rights critical, playing down and dangerous. CSI served in recent years as a prototype for a whole range of other similar mounted television series, in which the rights of citizens in general and in particular of the suspects in the first place as be shown determination disabling . The CSI officers rather show how smart they do their work, where they have all these rights are systematically left and work around. [...] In a sensitive and often highly emotional content context are degraded in the fight against terrorism and crime civil rights to an annoying appendage of the last century and the means justified by the purpose. This indoctrination has correspondingly disastrous effects in the political debate about the war on terror. "

The award is justified, because as wie das bereits heißdiskutierte Verhalten von Kiefer Sutherland aka Jack Bauer in 24 ist auch diese Serie mit verantwortlich dafür, dass nicht gerade wenig Menschen die schwere von solchen Verstößen nicht bewußt sind. Aus dem Irak wurde unlängst berichtet, dass das amerikanische Militär Probleme hat, seinen Rekruten die bei Jack Bauer abgeschauten Methoden zu verbieten . Und obwohl Folter ein maßgeblich schlimmeres Vergehen ist, ist die Verletzung von Datenschutz nicht zu verachten. Fiktional Verstöße darzustellen ist in sofern nicht verwerflich, aber bei C.S.I. the methods for routine and thus be glorified . This is what the judges of the Austria consultancy Big Brother Awards correctly identified and thus now has Anthony E. Zuiker a place in the Hall of Shame "safe. Congratulations!

Links: Big Brother Awards winners

Sunday, October 21, 2007

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Wer ständig lügt, dem vertraut man blind?

The French have quotas in TV and radio to protect its language and its cultural products. Successful or not, it remains unclear whether this is at all desirable, and finally Foreign languages are today nothing bad. But this country will also have a quota, naja say, "German songs" required. What, however, the last days haunted by the media was really strange. Politicians are calling for quotas for German series.

The message was in any case taken up by many media, the SPD politician Monika Griefahn was quoted that the SPD was "in principle for a quota for German series on television." Interestingly, came the message, but by no other than the BILD newspaper, and so the message quickly to a case for photo-blog . The SPD denied almost immediately, you should have a quota for women in radio and Griefahn never spoken with a staff of German IMAGE series. In general, the Bundestag would like, however, would use the charge of broadcasting for more German productions in TV.

This could have been re-take the best example that the German media a handling catastrophic with the newspaper with the big letters are. IMAGE reported, all from writing, no one questions the facts or the truth. I will subsequently denied and the black Peter attributed the Springer Journal, but by then the Message has already been adopted in the international press and our reputation is ruined again. In this case, has taken the Hollywood Reporter the story and there are certainly many people around the world who are firmly convinced that we make gasoline dead cats.

still remains the question whether a rate we can look German series . to doubt heavy, the quality of the German series is already so equipped, but it buy the station American series, because it is cheaper and less risk. The SPD would have preferred the duck well be a duck .


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Anniversary Message For Bf

Politik in den Alpen, die Zweite!

white sheep kicking black sheep of the country. Little original yet hotly debated, because that is the Swiss People's Party (SVP ) for votes. In posters and is also in a game on the home page Sun symbolizes be how to "criminal foreigners" will proceed. (The same images please see the Spiegel-Online photo gallery ) misleading or ambiguous on purpose ? This one can consider this as a general racist campaign, is also the UN believes that demanded the setting. But for

Switzerland is not only the reputation of the game, but the entire political culture. Imagine what these steps: Thematic election campaigns, personal choice Fought it was only at the local level. Politicians at the federal level only play a minor role, and why, because in Switzerland we have the formula of the very large coalition. The Cabinet is being distributed from all parties according to fixed criteria, which are only occasionally challenged. But now comes the Justice Minister Christoph Blocher therefore with his faithful SVP and is opposed to this style. The party advertises with slogans plates and the person becomes Blocher Program stylized.

Since the last election party already properly in this way could points in Swiss voters, it seems only a matter of time, give in to the other parties to this new policy course . The American party have done it before, with Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder were this from the advertising industry methods in Europe be looked presentable . Now it seems to catch the direct democracy in Switzerland. Brave new world or inevitable evil?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

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He's back!

There was mal eine Zeit, da herrschte vom schönen München aus ein Medienkönig mit Namen Kirch , Leo über sein eigenes Imperium aus Medienbeteiligungen. Filmhandel, Rundfunk und Sportrechte waren die Spielwiesen, in denen er für Furore sorgte. Geflecht nannte man seinen Staatsaufbau, den niemand außer ihm hatte einen wirklichen Überblick, was ihm eigentlich genau gehörte. So wohl auch die Banken, die das Geld in Form von Krediten Schubkarrenweise, nein Lastschiffweise bei ihm ablieferten. Doch irgendwann war es wohl doch zu viel und ein gewisser Rolf-E. Breuer von der Deutschen Bank zweifelte öffentlich an seiner Kreditwürdigkeit.

Well, they long ago that the spectacular bankruptcy of Kirch -Media. To date, the lawyers of the insolvency administration busy creditors their seven billion € return. The private person church itself was never bankrupt, but no one had even a rudimentary idea of \u200b\u200bhow much he hoards under his pillow, let alone the whereabouts of these pillows. The last few years was the only thing you heard from the fallen media mogul , his appearances as a legal Don Quixote against the windmills of the German bank.

hinted in recent weeks on, however, that church leads up to something. By an exchange transaction, the company Sirius belonging legally his wife and his longtime companion Dieter Hahn, suddenly has a big stake in EM Sports . This company from EM-TV emerged holdings in the DSF , the online portal Sport1 and the production company Media Plaza. And then, something happened that no one would have thought possible: The German Football League (DFL ), operator of the professional game - Ligen , beauftragen ausgerechnet Kirchs Sirius mit der Vermarktung der TV-Rechte.

Haben die denn nichts gelernt, war doch der Profifussball in arge Schwierigkeiten geraten, als mit Kirch -Media insolvent war? Kirch hatte über Jahre sich die TV-Rechte gesichert, zu überteuerten Konditionen. Deshalb war auch jetzt die Entscheidung nicht einfach, viele der 36 Bundesligavereine hatten Bedenken. Doch das Angebot von Sirius garantierte 500 Mill. Euro pro Saison, anstatt der bisherigen 420 Mill. Euro und das schlussendliche letzte Wort hat weiter die DFL .

Doch das Engagement zielt aber auf eine anderen Partner der DFL , Namely Premiere . It has long monopolistic structures in Pay-TV the clubs are a thorn in the side. While the dictation of terms at the last award of the commitment by cable operators under the umbrella of Arena was prevented, but after their retreat again as all previously. The plan Kirch now seems well-being, give the production into the hands of Plazamedia , as previously premiered the live signal from the stages self-produced and sold to the connected marketer , such as Deutsche Telekom for their Internet TV. If now but the signal is pre-produced, You can find it much easier to sell to other cable or satellite operator without the need to own sports editorial. This creates competition and for the currently looming battle for customers for the so-called Triple - Play (television, telephone and Internet from a provider) sport is very popular as a bait.

Premiere's shareholders saw this so what the price slumped massively because of this news. Whether the commitment to bring of church the Bundesliga clubs and the expected competition windfall will remain questionable. The last time it went wrong with Arena is well known. What remains is the astonishment: Leo Kirch is back, with his 81 years he wants to know again. But while some of the many astonishing Kirch's creditors be gnashing of teeth.

Monday, October 8, 2007

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Das schlechte Gewissen Österreichs

If an entire country debating an issue, it is not uncommon for the neighboring countries which do not really noticing. Currently this is in Austria the case. The case of Kosovo family Zagaj there has sparked a great Diskkussion for asylum. The civil war refugees had vainly used all legal means, but could deportation not prevent it. Then the 15-year-old daughter Arigona has disappeared. The four brothers and father were deported back in the Kosovo, the mother was guaranteed delay, to search for their daughter to , currently it is after a nervous breakdown in the hospital.

extent a tragic story. But Arigona it seems to have sly behind the ears, because rather than public criminalize leave, it has a long duel with the Austrian Interior Minister Guenther Platter admitted. After a public letter, she turned to the commonly used means of terrorists back the video message. This, she played to the ORF. Here she explains her escape.. " I just want that I can stay here that I have a better future Below, I have no idea what my little brothers and sisters, it goes down very badly, as I said, and can I would come back out of my hiding place, when at least get my little brothers and sisters in Austria. [...] If I really have to go back, I'll kill myself rather down because I have no future. Below you do do nothing because you can keine Ausbildung machen und gar nichts. " Zu Angeboten und Aufforderungen des Ministers entgegnet sie: " Ich habe gelesen, dass der Herr Platter in der Zeitung geschrieben hat, dass ich aus dem Versteck zurückkommen soll, aber ich vertraue dem Herrn Platter nicht."

Nun hat der Minister natürlich ein Problem, das idyllische Frankental, dem Heimatort der Familie, stellt sich hinter die Zagajs , aber auch in vielen anderen Orten Österreichs kam es zu Demostrationen gegen die Abschiebung. Die öffentliche Stimmung droht zu kippen, aber gleichzeitig kann er in seiner Wählerschaft der ÖVP with his relentless rate in asylum policy points he tried to implement in weeks. Currently, he repeated like a mantra to be "not be blackmailed," he would "not give way .

The young Arigona is not only managed the issue of asylum debate clear to date again, but it has also a G esicht given. If they are in their hear talk video message , you notice her on the desperation and it is not surprising that many Austrians doubt whether it is right so as to again take people's destinies. That the following discussion only Austria happens is if regrettable, since even here in Germany is a revival the asylum debate really needs .

complete text of the video message