Sunday, October 21, 2007

Different Ways To Style My Bangs

Wer ständig lügt, dem vertraut man blind?

The French have quotas in TV and radio to protect its language and its cultural products. Successful or not, it remains unclear whether this is at all desirable, and finally Foreign languages are today nothing bad. But this country will also have a quota, naja say, "German songs" required. What, however, the last days haunted by the media was really strange. Politicians are calling for quotas for German series.

The message was in any case taken up by many media, the SPD politician Monika Griefahn was quoted that the SPD was "in principle for a quota for German series on television." Interestingly, came the message, but by no other than the BILD newspaper, and so the message quickly to a case for photo-blog . The SPD denied almost immediately, you should have a quota for women in radio and Griefahn never spoken with a staff of German IMAGE series. In general, the Bundestag would like, however, would use the charge of broadcasting for more German productions in TV.

This could have been re-take the best example that the German media a handling catastrophic with the newspaper with the big letters are. IMAGE reported, all from writing, no one questions the facts or the truth. I will subsequently denied and the black Peter attributed the Springer Journal, but by then the Message has already been adopted in the international press and our reputation is ruined again. In this case, has taken the Hollywood Reporter the story and there are certainly many people around the world who are firmly convinced that we make gasoline dead cats.

still remains the question whether a rate we can look German series . to doubt heavy, the quality of the German series is already so equipped, but it buy the station American series, because it is cheaper and less risk. The SPD would have preferred the duck well be a duck .



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