Thursday, October 25, 2007


Welcome to the Hall of Shame!

but a very original winner there in östereischen Big Brother Awards. The judges of the prize to people who are "field of surveillance, Free and Open Source have made very great service, decided, among others for the series authors Anthony E. Zuiker . This was his series CSI of the ongoing monitoring and restriction proved the rights of citizens a disservice by these circumstances has played down fictional

is in the jury, among other things.
present "The CSI series dragnet, DNA analysis and the slash" side of civil rights critical, playing down and dangerous. CSI served in recent years as a prototype for a whole range of other similar mounted television series, in which the rights of citizens in general and in particular of the suspects in the first place as be shown determination disabling . The CSI officers rather show how smart they do their work, where they have all these rights are systematically left and work around. [...] In a sensitive and often highly emotional content context are degraded in the fight against terrorism and crime civil rights to an annoying appendage of the last century and the means justified by the purpose. This indoctrination has correspondingly disastrous effects in the political debate about the war on terror. "

The award is justified, because as wie das bereits heißdiskutierte Verhalten von Kiefer Sutherland aka Jack Bauer in 24 ist auch diese Serie mit verantwortlich dafür, dass nicht gerade wenig Menschen die schwere von solchen Verstößen nicht bewußt sind. Aus dem Irak wurde unlängst berichtet, dass das amerikanische Militär Probleme hat, seinen Rekruten die bei Jack Bauer abgeschauten Methoden zu verbieten . Und obwohl Folter ein maßgeblich schlimmeres Vergehen ist, ist die Verletzung von Datenschutz nicht zu verachten. Fiktional Verstöße darzustellen ist in sofern nicht verwerflich, aber bei C.S.I. the methods for routine and thus be glorified . This is what the judges of the Austria consultancy Big Brother Awards correctly identified and thus now has Anthony E. Zuiker a place in the Hall of Shame "safe. Congratulations!

Links: Big Brother Awards winners

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Different Ways To Style My Bangs

Wer ständig lügt, dem vertraut man blind?

The French have quotas in TV and radio to protect its language and its cultural products. Successful or not, it remains unclear whether this is at all desirable, and finally Foreign languages are today nothing bad. But this country will also have a quota, naja say, "German songs" required. What, however, the last days haunted by the media was really strange. Politicians are calling for quotas for German series.

The message was in any case taken up by many media, the SPD politician Monika Griefahn was quoted that the SPD was "in principle for a quota for German series on television." Interestingly, came the message, but by no other than the BILD newspaper, and so the message quickly to a case for photo-blog . The SPD denied almost immediately, you should have a quota for women in radio and Griefahn never spoken with a staff of German IMAGE series. In general, the Bundestag would like, however, would use the charge of broadcasting for more German productions in TV.

This could have been re-take the best example that the German media a handling catastrophic with the newspaper with the big letters are. IMAGE reported, all from writing, no one questions the facts or the truth. I will subsequently denied and the black Peter attributed the Springer Journal, but by then the Message has already been adopted in the international press and our reputation is ruined again. In this case, has taken the Hollywood Reporter the story and there are certainly many people around the world who are firmly convinced that we make gasoline dead cats.

still remains the question whether a rate we can look German series . to doubt heavy, the quality of the German series is already so equipped, but it buy the station American series, because it is cheaper and less risk. The SPD would have preferred the duck well be a duck .


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Anniversary Message For Bf

Politik in den Alpen, die Zweite!

white sheep kicking black sheep of the country. Little original yet hotly debated, because that is the Swiss People's Party (SVP ) for votes. In posters and is also in a game on the home page Sun symbolizes be how to "criminal foreigners" will proceed. (The same images please see the Spiegel-Online photo gallery ) misleading or ambiguous on purpose ? This one can consider this as a general racist campaign, is also the UN believes that demanded the setting. But for

Switzerland is not only the reputation of the game, but the entire political culture. Imagine what these steps: Thematic election campaigns, personal choice Fought it was only at the local level. Politicians at the federal level only play a minor role, and why, because in Switzerland we have the formula of the very large coalition. The Cabinet is being distributed from all parties according to fixed criteria, which are only occasionally challenged. But now comes the Justice Minister Christoph Blocher therefore with his faithful SVP and is opposed to this style. The party advertises with slogans plates and the person becomes Blocher Program stylized.

Since the last election party already properly in this way could points in Swiss voters, it seems only a matter of time, give in to the other parties to this new policy course . The American party have done it before, with Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder were this from the advertising industry methods in Europe be looked presentable . Now it seems to catch the direct democracy in Switzerland. Brave new world or inevitable evil?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How Do Abercrombie Womens Sizes Run

He's back!

There was mal eine Zeit, da herrschte vom schönen München aus ein Medienkönig mit Namen Kirch , Leo über sein eigenes Imperium aus Medienbeteiligungen. Filmhandel, Rundfunk und Sportrechte waren die Spielwiesen, in denen er für Furore sorgte. Geflecht nannte man seinen Staatsaufbau, den niemand außer ihm hatte einen wirklichen Überblick, was ihm eigentlich genau gehörte. So wohl auch die Banken, die das Geld in Form von Krediten Schubkarrenweise, nein Lastschiffweise bei ihm ablieferten. Doch irgendwann war es wohl doch zu viel und ein gewisser Rolf-E. Breuer von der Deutschen Bank zweifelte öffentlich an seiner Kreditwürdigkeit.

Well, they long ago that the spectacular bankruptcy of Kirch -Media. To date, the lawyers of the insolvency administration busy creditors their seven billion € return. The private person church itself was never bankrupt, but no one had even a rudimentary idea of \u200b\u200bhow much he hoards under his pillow, let alone the whereabouts of these pillows. The last few years was the only thing you heard from the fallen media mogul , his appearances as a legal Don Quixote against the windmills of the German bank.

hinted in recent weeks on, however, that church leads up to something. By an exchange transaction, the company Sirius belonging legally his wife and his longtime companion Dieter Hahn, suddenly has a big stake in EM Sports . This company from EM-TV emerged holdings in the DSF , the online portal Sport1 and the production company Media Plaza. And then, something happened that no one would have thought possible: The German Football League (DFL ), operator of the professional game - Ligen , beauftragen ausgerechnet Kirchs Sirius mit der Vermarktung der TV-Rechte.

Haben die denn nichts gelernt, war doch der Profifussball in arge Schwierigkeiten geraten, als mit Kirch -Media insolvent war? Kirch hatte über Jahre sich die TV-Rechte gesichert, zu überteuerten Konditionen. Deshalb war auch jetzt die Entscheidung nicht einfach, viele der 36 Bundesligavereine hatten Bedenken. Doch das Angebot von Sirius garantierte 500 Mill. Euro pro Saison, anstatt der bisherigen 420 Mill. Euro und das schlussendliche letzte Wort hat weiter die DFL .

Doch das Engagement zielt aber auf eine anderen Partner der DFL , Namely Premiere . It has long monopolistic structures in Pay-TV the clubs are a thorn in the side. While the dictation of terms at the last award of the commitment by cable operators under the umbrella of Arena was prevented, but after their retreat again as all previously. The plan Kirch now seems well-being, give the production into the hands of Plazamedia , as previously premiered the live signal from the stages self-produced and sold to the connected marketer , such as Deutsche Telekom for their Internet TV. If now but the signal is pre-produced, You can find it much easier to sell to other cable or satellite operator without the need to own sports editorial. This creates competition and for the currently looming battle for customers for the so-called Triple - Play (television, telephone and Internet from a provider) sport is very popular as a bait.

Premiere's shareholders saw this so what the price slumped massively because of this news. Whether the commitment to bring of church the Bundesliga clubs and the expected competition windfall will remain questionable. The last time it went wrong with Arena is well known. What remains is the astonishment: Leo Kirch is back, with his 81 years he wants to know again. But while some of the many astonishing Kirch's creditors be gnashing of teeth.

Monday, October 8, 2007

What Are Good Plus Size Dress Stores Buffalo Ny?

Das schlechte Gewissen Österreichs

If an entire country debating an issue, it is not uncommon for the neighboring countries which do not really noticing. Currently this is in Austria the case. The case of Kosovo family Zagaj there has sparked a great Diskkussion for asylum. The civil war refugees had vainly used all legal means, but could deportation not prevent it. Then the 15-year-old daughter Arigona has disappeared. The four brothers and father were deported back in the Kosovo, the mother was guaranteed delay, to search for their daughter to , currently it is after a nervous breakdown in the hospital.

extent a tragic story. But Arigona it seems to have sly behind the ears, because rather than public criminalize leave, it has a long duel with the Austrian Interior Minister Guenther Platter admitted. After a public letter, she turned to the commonly used means of terrorists back the video message. This, she played to the ORF. Here she explains her escape.. " I just want that I can stay here that I have a better future Below, I have no idea what my little brothers and sisters, it goes down very badly, as I said, and can I would come back out of my hiding place, when at least get my little brothers and sisters in Austria. [...] If I really have to go back, I'll kill myself rather down because I have no future. Below you do do nothing because you can keine Ausbildung machen und gar nichts. " Zu Angeboten und Aufforderungen des Ministers entgegnet sie: " Ich habe gelesen, dass der Herr Platter in der Zeitung geschrieben hat, dass ich aus dem Versteck zurückkommen soll, aber ich vertraue dem Herrn Platter nicht."

Nun hat der Minister natürlich ein Problem, das idyllische Frankental, dem Heimatort der Familie, stellt sich hinter die Zagajs , aber auch in vielen anderen Orten Österreichs kam es zu Demostrationen gegen die Abschiebung. Die öffentliche Stimmung droht zu kippen, aber gleichzeitig kann er in seiner Wählerschaft der ÖVP with his relentless rate in asylum policy points he tried to implement in weeks. Currently, he repeated like a mantra to be "not be blackmailed," he would "not give way .

The young Arigona is not only managed the issue of asylum debate clear to date again, but it has also a G esicht given. If they are in their hear talk video message , you notice her on the desperation and it is not surprising that many Austrians doubt whether it is right so as to again take people's destinies. That the following discussion only Austria happens is if regrettable, since even here in Germany is a revival the asylum debate really needs .

complete text of the video message

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Images Bunnytown Show Pinky Pinkerton

Ein Wandernder zwischen den Genres

The American series is approaching more and more of the movie. Yes, yes, nothing new. Not only since Kiefer Sutherland in 24 brilliant or Glenn Close in The Shield occurred is no longer dismissed out of hand, which has the series gained in importance. Here, the players change but usually only the street or go on a hall at the studio area. The production studios remain the same and is also filmed in Hollywood, where the films are now more shot in Canada, because of lower taxes.

One may of course now reply that moving aging Hollywood star now even cheaper in the genre. But the modern series swallow now also regular budget and then there's the case, Paul Haggis . The Lord is screenwriter by profession and has won two Oscars for Crash , best original screenplay and film of the year. He is also the script of Million Dollar Baby, Flags of our Fathers , Letters of Iwo Jima and Casino Royal responsible . He comes actually write series of well-managed and has clearly made it into the movie business. Currently celebrating gradually In his latest film world the Valley of Elah premiere, a post-Iraq drama with Susan Surandon , Charlize Theron and Tommy Lee Jones. (From a German launch date was unfortunately not learn.)

whole series has sworn off the genre probably will not but the good Lord. had designed on the American Network NBC ran this spring The Black Donnellys together a series that Haggis Robert Moresco . The Pilot promises much, it is easy to remember clearly that was a writer-genius at work here. The narrative structure a Off-person narrator in a police interrogation, very lively, the atmosphere is gripping. Solely disturbs the massive use of music, he reminds us of the exaggerated background music from blockbusters .

to Story: Four brothers of Irish descent, grew up in Hells Kitchen , a notorious borough of Manhattan, are drawn as petty criminals in the machinations the underworld. Der K opf der Vier will eigentlich ein besseres Leben führen, doch als das Leben seiner Brüder in Gefahr gerät, tritt er an, um diese zu retten und nebenbei die Kontrolle über sein Viertel zu übernehmen. Es gibt eine Reihe böser Gegenspieler , einen guten Cop und eine alte Liebe, die aber leider schon verheiratet ist. Und natürlich gibt es alles was bei Iren nicht fehlen darf: Pubs, viel Alkohol, wüste Prügeleien und die allumsorgende Mutter.

Gute Gangster- Story und handfeste Kinomethoden, insofern hätte es ein Kandidat für die Lücke sein können, die The have left Sopranos . Had? Yes, would have because the series has never been able to meet its expectations in relation to the quota. NBC they have not even aired until the end, but after only six episodes banished to the Internet. The first season, available on DVD, is thus the only one. You see, even or perhaps even more so in America the ratio is one but a great deal and the status of Haggis has probably not helped much. Too bad, but maybe limited Paul Haggis no longer on writing new Bond parts, but still pushes one or the other Series format to. His talent in this genre is in good hands and run as far as he does not have that, either.

Addendum: How to read Serienjunkies , Paul Haggis, the show has already been written from 10 years ago, it was realized only now. The time was not yet ready, the Sopranos have had to pave the way for the criminal as a hero?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Xanax And Aconcussion

Neue und alte Burgen

Hola! Long time no write. Yes I was lazy, had no time and other excuses. Too bad that I did it as long as nothing, but I have been missing a bit of the ideas. The quality of the blog has decreased continuously in my opinion. I hope that now again fix what, my thanks go to the input of ... Fm4 exactly! And so I dedicate myself sometimes the phrase "input" and an homage to FM4.

ran tonight on the Austrian station an interview with one of the masterminds behind Last.FM , Martin Stiksel. Lo and behold, this world-innovation comes from the Alpine republic, Martin Stiksel is even a former editor-FM4. From there he has made his way to the castle walls of the traditional broadcaster to tear this world.

Last.Fm is an intelligent radio, an Internet stream of the Web 2.0. This offer remembers listening to what its users like it with other readers. This will turn an individual for each Radio program created. If you enter Nirvana, there is a choice together about grunge or proposes further keywords. The more precisely you define its taste, the more accurate the selection eder. Disadvantage is that nothing is individually controllable, is not even possible to forward and rewind. The major advantage of radio listening is retained, the input.

Who has not, the local library to have enough. It will have to learn other than to go in search of new lands and then again at the names that are already known. For something really new, it takes suggestions from the other side, that is input. Classic it is the social environment, or browsing in the store. At the tip of best friend or the rarity he ind dusty record bin is also today ran a little. Something modern had been since the broadcast, therefore, in this case was heard new or old unknown, chosen by editors, in turn, understood some of it.
has been replaced by the knowledge of friends and the local dealer.

The last few generations have supplied in this way with musical inspiration, but the principle is also in other media like movies or books the same. Then came came the Internet. Therefore one must of course be noted that we have migrated not from pure technology-mania to the PC, we are forced to literally.

radio and television zusehenst sinks in the boring uniformity. At all frequencies tootle up and down the charts, the specialist channel has not really able to come out. And on TV there is the dictate of the quota, the consequences are known.
Now there are so many of the niches in the network and services such as Last.FM and Pandora services to bundle these niches. All this bring us back the half-stifled variation. Time, this time the, ah, that's really very nice and the track was really fat.

you good old radio, where you been? In the Alpine country wants you to scream, but there really is a last bastion. The ORF FM4 Frequency fills his fourth with a portfolio that offers diversity without abreast of these sales figures expressed in mass taste. A pool is also here, that is, a certain basic amount of songs that are played again and again. This is enriched with all sorts of innovative compositions from the world of music. Therefore, the interview ends with the knight Stiksel of Last.FM with his statement that the "unique in Europe" station is not very reason is in danger. "Keep it up!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Side Hurts From Drinking

review of the 6th Entrepreneurs evening

6th Corporate channel hub d in the region of Passau

Battery Operated Ceramic Cat Drinking Fountain

entrepreneurs exchange ideas

Ruderting. "Conflicts in companies based on unfavorable structures, lack of leadership and too little attention paid to the employees" - which has licensed psychologist and management consultant Almuth Wünsch from Neuburg am Inn on the entrepreneurs evening at the country inn to the miller, "emphasized. The theme of the meeting: "Conflicts in everyday business seen as an opportunity." Almuth Wünsch laid the entrepreneurs from small and medium enterprises to the heart to take conflict as an opportunity to work in the company and look for the causes. But she recommended coaching and feedback and clear decision making powers. They also introduced measurement method for the selection of staff, for example, the potential analysis. They give include information about the transition readiness, stress stability and tenacity of purpose. She recommended to deal with stress-unstable people not related to stress in a stable department.

At the center organized by Alexandra Horsch, Manuela and Sandra Schramm Bachl the event will also meet, exchange of experience and networks of participants from the districts of Passau, Deggendorf, Freyung-Grafenau rain.

Caption: Manuela Schramm (left), Sandra Bachl, the participants of the women entrepreneurs in the evening and Alexandra Horsch could advise Almuth Wünsch for conflict prevention in the workplace.

Source: Text and image Theresia wild fire, PNP, 20 July 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

2006 Cobalt Remote Programming

Was für Spots sind in Europa umstritten?

course, there are also here in Europe heated heads dealing with offensive advertising. There are no simpler way a little attention in the Hinterbänklerleben to bring a politician, as the flag kept out of indignation. To the never-ending search for the next media scandal take so well located to almost everything. Guilt but unfortunately we do is because in this way are supporting, or rate clicks guaranteed.

This is going to talk about but definitely hot potatoes as the following example:

Yes, that is a whole corner of offensive than the Trojan - advertising, but the main reason for the excitement of course is that this is a spot is the European film promotion. Since the time is now financed by a certain state union, the accusation is, of course: We keep our taxes from the good and make it what? Advertising for pornography! From what corner of the protest is not hard to guess, for the British EU skeptics of service and to the other einenmit course the greatest Catholics far and wide, the Poles.

It had but the EU can come up with something great and created its own channel on YouTube to the unreached as yet not sufficiently Europeanized to reach young people who sweep you know, more and more traditional media back. As seen elsewhere, the EU is pushing for a massive public relations in order to anchor the European idea in the minds of citizens. The promotional video for European cinema but there is an outlier that can not usually win more than 3 million users to have explained to them the advantages of European integration. Maybe they should quietly try a breeze humor, even if they do not arrive so at all.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Making And Decorating Wedding Cheesecakes

Nicht alle Networks zeigen Schweine

Either a very successful PR campaign or the influence of churches on the U.S. television may be larger than you think. In any event, the FOX and CBS have broadcast a condom commercials of the manufacturer refused Trojan. FOX justified this by the fact that the spot spread the message that condoms would prevent pregnancy, while CBS gave him simply inappropriate. The ABC and NBC had but did not inhibit, but showed the advertising.
The manufacturer Trojan has introduced this farce in any case more attention than they received in a simple broadcast ever. The number of hits on the spot via the usual Internet platforms and on the homepage of the manufacturer shot up. Scandal must be the one you will now probably think, but when you sich auf YouTube das Werk betrachtet, weiß man wirklich nicht was die geritten hat. Mal davon abgesehen, dass die Werbung für Kondome unbedenklich bzw. sogar äußerst wünschenswert ist (auch wenn oder eben gerade da sie Schwangerschaften verhindern), dieser Spot ist einfach nur harmlos. Eine Bar voller Schweinen, die erst nach dem Gang zum Automaten zu Männern werden? Also bitte!

Quelle: Serienjunkies

Friday, June 22, 2007

How To Make A Clothes Hamper

Der nächste große Wurf

Die beiden Herren scheinen die Innovation im Blut zu haben. Gleich zwei Internet Anwendungen, die besonders bei jungen Menschen einen regelrechten Kultstatus entwickelten, gehen auf ihr Account. The talk is of the Dane Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom the Swede, the people behind Kaaza, and Skype. Kaaza was a file sharing software that has been bombarded with complaints the previous Napster inherited and widely used platform for piracy. The music industry was not that long fallen and sued Kaaza also an injunction, which led to the setting. Janus Friis allegedly intended to avoid the U.S. today, because of the pending million-dollar process.
The two computer scientists but sat together and put in a new coup: Skype. This software was provided nothing new, because you can talk with her over the Internet. But you could for international Talks did not abandon the Internet in the destination country, which saves a lot of money. The basic service on the Internet but remained free, so this combination of the Skype Internet messaging market leaders such as Yahoo or MSN is attacking, but also makes the traditional telephone companies worried.
The two men from Scandinavia, it was particularly filthy rich. Ebay bought Skype for a mere 1.9 billion dollars, with good business performance, there will be again on top of $ 1.5 billion.
All right, now they had time to annoy the next industry, namely, the TV company. They developed the software Joost, with which one can receive a P2P protocol television shows. Currently it is in the beta testing phase, each tester can be, is invited by another tester.
In this way I am now under the honor to be allowed to pre-test Joost. First is that a preliminary fashion design on it, everything is kept functional, the controls are discreetly incorporated into the screen. The quality of the videos varies when it is time the sound and privilege to have only the image is then briefly what that look much more comfortable design. The codec is the increasingly pervasive H.264 that good quality is guaranteed even lower data rates. Joost uses P2P technology. So there is not a central server, but there is a give and take between users, as with the file-sharing platforms was the case previously. That one hand has the consequence that einerseitsbei the upload bandwidth is fully utilized, and that excellent run at the beta version, all frequently requested content, the unpopular Teren is less good.
Where would we be in the content, because so convincing that technology may be, success depends on what and certainly not on how. Because Joost is new territory on the road, because it will be filled with legal services that are funded by advertising. Thus they are not directly competing with the broadcasters, who can opt for a tempered distribution via Joost, but with the platform providers such as cable, Satellite or IP TV. If, then, should decide the content providers to use alongside the existing transfer methods Joost, why should then pay toll the audience for expensive broadband connection, most anyway.
addition, there are no fixed at Joost again for program, but you can choose between programs, such as in a digital video library. Moreover, the possibility to participate interactively in the events, users can rate programs, chat and exchange messages with each other alongside. As such, they also provide an alternative to Youtube and the likes, this saw the face of lawsuits for copyright infringement in the long run back to pure Hobbyfilmchen portals degradiert werden. Joost geht da von Anfang an den Weg, mit der Unterhaltungsindustrie nicht gegen sie. Dass zeigt sich allein am Fall Viacom: Mit Joost wird ein Vorvertrag eingegangen, Youtube wird auf Millionen verklagt (und über Nacht kriegen die es hin, alle South Park -Folgen und andere Viacom-Inhalte von ihrer Plattform verschwinden zu lassen).
Das Programmangebot in der Beta-Phase ist bislang noch dürftig, Inhalte mit Niveau muss man eher lange suchen, das Trashige dominiert bislang. So gibt es neben Mtv (auf dem natürlich keinerlei Musik zu sehen ist) eine Reihe an Musikkanälen, Sportkanälen und weiteren Spartenkanälen. Positiv hervorzuheben kann man den Sender IndieFlix Premier Hits on which a series can be seen in independent films. (You will most likely be the short film Fields of Murdan that deals with the theme of hope and dreams in child prostitution in Asia) On the TvJoost is a list appeared, on which one can gain an impression of the sender in the future Joost are feeding will be. ProSieben in Germany to be there, which, given the young audience of the channel and the steadily declining use of television and the youth is not surprising. Sometimes you have to move the trough to hold them when they are no longer taken to the trough ...
Yes, the Joost principle could work: The quality and it fits the integrated interactive elements it needs to appeal to the Internet generation. An ad-supported alternative to the platforms that do not enter the copyright, until it strikes back in full force. This can establish itself and become a standard. Will it really time to attack the previous transmission, it needs proper website. The television stations are gearing up right now but one on Joost, but yet to re-marketing. That can range in the long run, but if the success is possible, is sure to occur even more. It seems certain: Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom are certainly richer.

Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at

I can even send invitations to Joost, interest? Questions with full name and email to gültger:

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Atlanta Another One Bites

dying be explained to the TV audience. No joke! In view of 830 000 dead last year, that is not really surprising, but for the young generation it is hard to imagine anyone approaching the end of his life, is intended to be still on TV deal with death.
But there are some investors who believe this. For now, the launch of a specialist channel called EosTV announced via the Astra and Webstream supposed to engage with the issue of death and burial. Also on board is the Services Association, the channel is to be integrated into the web presence of its members. EosTV to be financed with obituaries, members can book for the dead. Also, the program will deal with the issue of window screening, which creates space for advertising appropriate provider. The
the private television industry times but now depends on the age groups beyond the limit of 49 ominous is indeed commendable, for the advertising industry is almost exclusively the age group 14-49 is of interest. That is now the subject of death, what it should address is odd, but understandable. Finally, the reason that the advertising industry and thus the private television is not for the older generations interested is not, so that no purchasing power of them is starting, but that the buying habits to the magical 50 years should be pronounced. Simply put, always buy the same and therefore, advertising is almost a waste of money.
But the idea of \u200b\u200bold people who sit all day watching television, watching documentaries about cemeteries and look especially nice during the advertisement, whether or not someone known has died, the alien is already. If it were not a niche channel mit Soaps aus dem Altenheim und Rückblicken auf die gute alte Zeit nicht mal eine schönere Variante, vor allem wirklich lebensfroher ?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Add Aux Input For Boombox

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Why Is My Herpes Getting Worse

Bye, Bye Tony!

An era comes to an end. Sounds excessive, but I'm about to bear against black: Today will be shown on HBO the last episode of The Sopranos . After 68 episodes but the end is also very welcome. A sequel to the quality suffering, this masterpiece by David Chase just was not deserved.
look like the end is completely in the dark. Whether the New Jersey boss Tony dies, moves into the building, Governor or the sky will split and it opens a door, who knows. In these seasons has been very creative is to be expected that there will be no end of the rod. Given the increasingly form accepting plans for a Sex and the City Movie is a Sopranos movie does not really rule out. You never know.
ghet But eiÄra? For me, an era, years ago I did the first broadcast on ZDF followed and remained until now in the process. This series has the first place to the Series brought and now I look hardly anything else. These gentlemen were so much she deserves the canst well, I have grown really fond of. Tony, you're missing me ...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bathing Suit Stores In Ottawa

Small collection update

Since there are add to some of the recent posts a little, a small collection update: announce

was, there is a further increase. This time, it can be described as a double emancipation, first away from the child's role and secondly out of the "After the enlargement of the cast of Weeds by Carrie Fisher and Matthew ModineDoppeltenLottchen DVD-universe": Mary-Cate Olsen. This will be seen without her sister in the third season of the series. Whether that series acting also brings more will emerge in August.

The State Media Authority of Bavaria has yet really determined to 9Live. Is really incredible, but more for the reason that one may ask: Why now? was apparently a reason the Internet portion of the available ICC 9live program (eg here), remember where the microphone was off the moderator. So you could listen to how they negotiated with the Government, if anyone should get a line to the studio. The Media Institute concluded as follows:

For the current case, in which the impression was conveyed that a presenter of 9Live directly An influence on the triggering of the so-called hot buttons, said ring that the station would have refuted this impression plausible in its opinion. As for the comments of the presenter, the hot button does not trigger a short time later a caller called into the program, the State Agency to assume that the editor has taken the decision to activate the random mechanism responsible and the extent no breach of the Competition Policy present.

9Live This has also confirmed that the random generator only be drawn at all needs. This provides ladies and gentlemen of the most annoying TV stations far and wide, not just much better there, but that most beautiful of the story is the almost absurd powerlessness of the media regulator. Although the Bavarian state media authority now to do Posted reconsider, but this will probably have no effect, shows the demand of their President Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Ring:

"We are currently dependent on a cooperation of the transmitter, because there is currently no possibility of control of state media institutions. There is no statutory directive authority and there is no misdemeanor offense that can attack for violations. The recent case in 9Live should prompt swift progress on the development of rules and, above all equip the country's media institutions with effective regulatory powers "
source. DWDL

ran over Pentecost now Popetown and the only one where there was controversy was in the commercials of MTV itself, where the hype was models detailed from time looking back. Congratulations to the Catholic Church and their lawyers in politics, in this way, MTV has really provoked only himself and no one has noticed it

Something private.. I once the Superhero Quiz made and who I personally and for quite some time, knows, in view of the most amusing result:

Monday, May 28, 2007

Tessalon Perle Cough How Does It Work

of arrogance and self-initiative

In Germany, there was radio last week, a discussion of a "media quartet" on the subject "Change Reporter readers and bloggers to journalism?". (I would have missed this, so at this point thanks to Stefan Niggemeier , who in his Blog already given his opinion. Gives the shipment is also available as MP 3 .) Here you get within of 40 minutes a worth listening insight on how the sensitivities are in the media industry, in terms of Mr. group of bloggers who seem to undermine the journalism the water. At the most dramatic it Manfred Bissinger gets to the point when he argues that blogs only as meaning " gerotzt " are. Let there be no thought, researched, or discussed in detail. Blogs are just "a series of sensitivities of people who have written for the journalism or the public any real significance."
Are blogs just really loose level, far away from any credibility prepared collection of "personal sensitivities"? Of course, there may be blogs that bring the world does not continue or complete the journalism can do and should they also not. In the public debate is the image of Mother Lies high sterilized under their medial "Flowers in the Garden" journal (which there are surely to hauf ), but the blogger world may not necessarily be only that. the investigative journalism can replace the individual citizen with his PC but also for that he simply lacks resources and opportunities.
A decent blog needs to journalism and its traditional media. For as actually many examples in Web 2.0 is based on these or other supplements this. For some issues, offers the Internet even possible to find public, this will always culminate with the performance and recording in the traditional media. can be replaced by the words out of the question. For one thing, bloggers and other Web 2.0 forms do not reach and also they will never get the credibility that the mainstream media have created over decades. Which defines the media quartet discussion of Tissy Bruns thrown in the round concept of counter-public so it's better.
say But now that everything can not level and the public have no meaning, bordering on arrogance schlichweg. As someone stands up and says, what I say has relevance, because I have access to the media. I can yell louder, so this must also be of importance. Certainly there are plenty of bright minds to find in the media, but there? Can not name many other topics and for their fellow human beings reading - prepare and well worth seeing - worth hearing? Does anyone not there for much too important? Take away Mr. Biting the spring, he will then not only insignificant, self-talk? It is not always gold that is in the blogs, it is usually really just sand, but what about in the media will not automatically lead to gold-platinum alloy. The Web
2.0 offers several of possibilities, not because his limitations and thus there is no selection. But since the devil is in the matter, for we can never read anything that is published. We were at the recent media not really, but the real still a bit clearer. Where they really have a head start, is credibility. Is not to say everything in the media is true and has value, they are supposed to dictate not opinion, but help to shape opinion. That is, the common people dealing with the content, evaluates and classifies. Whether it is on this table, the pub, hairdresser or make a stop on the internet their cause.
But the important internal activity, a sloping need media literacy be dei raise each one is, with so-free medium, such as a blog is nunmal, particularly in demand. count down to my person: I think I'm right, what gives me but not automatically right. Everyone needs to know for themselves!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Slightly Elevated White Cell Count And High Esr

Oh, what a surprise!

Actually we have already thought of us all. Or is there really anyone out there who is confident that the call is in- Tv terror of commercial television in a true and fair competition? Now there's the confirmation. In the latest edition of the magazine ARD Plus Minus was once again on the dubious practices of the TV station 9live reported, as we know nothing other than call-in TV broadcasts. The research showed not only that the rules for this genre regularly flouted , but former employees have been identified, confirming that it is no contest. This requires that is a random mechanism. The do not, but it can pass through entirely arbitrary calls. Even fake calls is the question. This is organized Verarschung, be collected for the cable fees and littering the night program . What would run at night because without the public broadcasters to? Because almost everything that is private, at night trying to make a cheap €, with the stupidity or the good faith of the audience. Depending on how you look.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Blueberry Muffins Using Pancake Mix

Fast and healthy cuisine for power women

Ruderting. Tips for quick, healthy cuisine and a delicious dinner and the exchange among themselves were the focus of women entrepreneurs in the country inn in the evening to the miller in Ruderting.

Sabine Hahn-woe, Pharmacy Specialist for Food, pointed out what to eat, especially "power women". Ingrid Buchner from country inn to the miller spoiled the visitors from town and district of Passau, and the circles Freyung-Grafenau, Deggendorf and rain with a delicious comfort food.

Caption: Ingrid Buchner (from left), Alexandra Horsch, Sabine Hahn-woe, Manuela Schramm and Sandra Bachl permitted the entrepreneurs evening in Ruderting a special event and meeting place for self-employed female entrepreneurs and business owners inside.

Source: Text and image Theresia wild fire, PNP, 2 April 2007

Buildings In Fairfax Garden Fable 2

review of a stimulating evening or "residents, I ..."

... we would say Swabia, with all their senses. Or so is the resume that I draw from an interesting evening.

As luck would have it, I read in the last year a newspaper article about a young and dynamic company from Straßkirchen. I speak of an interview with Manuel Schramm and its business idea, "Office Communication Coaching. In it they mentioned the entrepreneurs evening, which takes place regularly.

What to do here? I myself am Wahlbayerin and pulled until very recently in the region. I now live in a village that has no street names or a bakery. Happy at last without a GPS from shopping to find their way home, I feed my chickens, texts occasionally a little and I am very pleased and grateful to have left the stress behind me for a while.

But it is called "curiosity", that is the curiosity of women. Determined to seek connection - for he who seeks, finds - I signed up for the premiere event of the evening, women entrepreneurs in 2007, which took place in the "country inn to the miller in Ruderting. were

While most delicious appetizers and a power drink served either with or without alcohol, I could see from my observation post from the cheerful crowd. This will be entrepreneurs? Those are women like you and me: Communicative, self-confident, successful, open, creative and fun-loving, or expressed differently: from the artist to a tax adviser, of the language teacher to media designer, by the hairdresser to Coach everything was represented.

That makes a colorful blend. Even more interesting is the fact that we are Weiberleut all of us. So who cares if the hair is a pound or someone has too much on the ribs? This masquerade is not necessary to come into play so often, when the sexes meet.

So, now it moves on to the official part of the evening. First, we welcomed Mrs Ingrid Buchner, the innkeeper. Impressively, she describes what goes on behind the scenes with her. Here is yet each potato, peeled yourself.

We have arrived at the theme of the evening at dinner. Sabine Hahn-woe, Pharmacy Specialist for Food, takes off with the theoretical part. She is really in the trade, but the Chinese trade remained at home. The glycemic index of food is explained very quickly. Very clearly it tells us about what crime we commit to our bodies when we start the day with rolls, butter and jam. But beer with white sausage is the absolute horror that is, in principle, only surpassed by consumption of various chocolate bars. These are the things that are stored without delay on the hips. Since the levels of insulin responds immediately. But to make it better in the future, we are here and listen carefully to be affected. Have you ever caught yourself now and then?

when you are talking constantly about food and think about it, you get hungry too. "Those who work, who may eat it," I say to himself also accessible. So we give our hostess the opportunity to show us how perfect it implements its company philosophy into practice. A huge kudos to the kitchen. Although I have not even eaten peeled potato, but a delicious salad with grilled white fish and wholemeal bread. As a further supplement, there was still stimulating conversations with the neighbors table.

the light of later series. Here and there are still exchanging information or appointments made, worked on the maintenance of the network. Elated I turn on my navigation and go to Hause.

Dieser Abend war nicht nur gesundheitsfördernd, sondern der Austausch tat auch meiner Seele gut. Danke, liebe Mitglieder des Organisationsteams, für einen perfekt gelungenen Unternehmerinnenabend. Hoffentlich folgen noch viele weitere!


Gedächtnistraining – Wissen Sie es noch?

Wie viel Stück Zucker verstecken sich in einem Snickers-Riegel?
Wie viele Bananen können anstatt einem Mars-Riegel gegessen werden?
Warum reicht man Zitronensaft zu Fisch?
Wie viele Schritte sollst Du täglich tun?
Wie viel Gramm Fett hat ein Croissant?

(Lösungen: 13 / 6 / Weil das Eiweiß vom Körper in combination with vitamin C can be absorbed better. / 1000)

recipe one of the dishes
(possibly Mrs. Buchner ask or Book Review by Mrs Hahn-woe)

Source: Martin Polzer

How Long Does Pinot Nroi Last

entrepreneurs evenings in the region Passau-successful start to the second year

love committed women

is the premiere in 2006, managed of businesswomen in the region of Passau evening has become a meeting point for entrepreneurs and dedicated women!

We have some "spring cleaning" and have changed a few things, such as we are of the city in the county has "moved" and let's Ingrid Buchner at the country inn to indulge in Müller Ruderting. Be there if they meet once per quarter self-employed women from different industries to a wonderful evening in order to expand their business network!

The opening on 22 March 2007, Sabine Hahn-woe, Pharmacy Specialist for Food of Passau, which gives us many tips on how powerful women healthy and fast (who has been a long time to cook?) To feed.

The other dates this year:

• Thursday 05 July 07, "Conflicts in everyday business seen as a Chance" with Dr. Ursula Diepolder

• Thursday 20 September 07, "Individual and classic business-to-measure fashion" Sabine Egger, studio Eggenberger

• Thursday 15 wishes to Lisa Hinton, Managing Director, Mühldorfer GmbH & Co. KG

Beautiful, pleasant time you

Alexandra Horsch

Register for entrepreneurs evening at Alexandra Horsch, phone 0851 40298, - November 07, "successfully bucking the trend bed Mühldorfer" Fax 0851 9441727,,

Source: "Women Entrepreneurs in mind," No 1 / 2007, contribution Alexandra Horsch, Photo: Sandra Bachl

Tiffany Blue Wedding Shower Invitations

women stringy - chat but otherwise

4th Entrepreneurs evening in the Passau "Barn" with a culinary menu and other surprises

Passau. An autumn potato Krensuppe, served melted cherry tomato and truffled parmesan cream - this is one of them, at least when women pull threads. In this case business. "The atmosphere is extremely important when meet women, says the Passau business men consultant Alexandra Horsch, organizer of the women entrepreneurs in the evening.

" give men were satisfied with barren backyards. "But women communicate differently, the familiarity need each other more than men for business compounds absorb. "Are women among themselves, they trust rather, their strengths show. "There still would be too much of the men, or those properties that are held for imitation.

At the 4th meeting, under the slogan" You deserve it "was, 40 women came together in order to fully relaxed a policy to provide: What do other women entrepreneurs how to get business start-up problems under control, how they acquire customers as they establish their fees

In rare cases, they know the participants, but they come quickly to the call, the Steuerexperting, the architect who Keramikkünstlering, the nanny and the psychologist. And no change "the way" they find in their business cards and business offer the others what they need for their own support.

As an appetizer - in addition to the four-course surprise menu Antonia Koubek - Two entrepreneurs have presented their work: The Ruderting Erin Trude Neumeier showed her sophisticated collection of bags, Maria Bartsch gave insights into their aesthetic Ortenburger ceramics workshop. Modest, as both women were at the presentation in the background, it is clear what it is.

Compared to negotiations between men, in which it were much more about numbers, it comes to women primarily on their work content. Alexandra Horsch: "So they push their best So-am-I-feel of."

Source: Sabine Jackie, PR active, No. 12/2006

Where To Buy Marzetti Slaw Dressing

women bags , ceramics, and food - women entrepreneurs share experiences

handmade bags, artistic ceramics, a candlelight dinner and stimulating conversation focused on the 4th Women entrepreneurs in the barn at night Severinstor. Under the slogan "You deserve it!" spoiled catering specialist Antonia Koubek, the nearly 50 participants with a four-course meal. Sonia Vogl of "foliage" had decorated tables and creative space with autumn materials.

Trude Neumeier from Ruderting presented her self-designed and sewn bag collection. Harmonious tea and coffee service in clear, classical or modern forms showed Maria Bartsch from places castle.

The entrepreneurs evening, which is unique as a meeting place for independent working women in the Region will be held once a quarter. An average of 35-50 women from the city and county, Passau, and the circles Deggendorf, Freyung-Grafenau and rain are participating.

The organizers Alexandra Horsch, Manuela Schramm, Sandra and Andrea Feil Meier Bachl want to give entrepreneurs a platform to exchange experience, establish contacts and maintain, and to strike up business. (Text and image: Theresa Wild Fire)

Caption: Maria Bartsch (left), Manuel Schramm, Trude Neumeier, Alexandra Horsch, Sandra Bachl, Andrea Feil Meier and Antonia Koubek designed the fourth entrepreneurs evening.

Source: Theresa Wild Fire, PNP, 20 November 2006

Patron Saint Of Business Men

"Autumn in its most beautiful colors" - 3 Entrepreneurs evening on 20.09.2006

love entrepreneurs of the region,

according to the season is the theme on 3 Entrepreneurs evening "in its most beautiful autumn colors." I am pleased that the artist Annette Niepoth some of their pictures in the barn presented at Severinstor and presents.

Since I was raised at the last evenings often that it is not easy (groups) to other people to approach, we have a program included in the 3rd Entrepreneurs evening included: communication consultant Claudia Schoyerer from Freyung reveals tips and tricks for small talk, such as which topics are suitable for the initial consultation or even as "woman" good discussions out.

The resulting network is already bearing fruit: Some entrepreneurs have already received orders and make each other business. Profit from it - you latched on and make other women aware of yourself and your company. Bring your business cards and meet with entrepreneurs evening interesting and dedicated women of the region.

The next evening, on 8 November 2006 in the barn Severinstor held in Passau. Under the motto " deserve it "spoils Koubek Antonia and her team from La Zucca participants with a" women-good-meal "(40, - € including 4-course meal!). Do not miss the culinary highlight in November and sign up as soon as possible on tel 0851 40298 or

I appreciate your feedback on the entrepreneurs evening, for more information I will be at your disposal.
Enjoy the evening with good conversation and expand your personal business network!

your Alexandra Horsch

Source: "Women Entrepreneurs in mind," No. 3 / 2007, Alexandra Horsch review

Kidney Stones Or Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

second Entrepreneurs evening in the barn

In the barn are back on Severinstor many women from the region for the 2 Entrepreneurs evening met. Under the motto "Rumor" the Passau art photographer Eva Mayer chamber a multimedia slide show presented on the big screen.

Women entrepreneurs pursued fascinated by the emotion full Pictures of wedding couples and guests. Another highlight were the photos of the women entrepreneurs of the first evening. The photographer had been able the mood with her camera and captured the women in conversation and read the brochure "Women Entrepreneurs in mind," portrays. exchanged until late in the evening women entrepreneurs in their business cards resulted in interesting discussions and enjoyed the beautiful program.

"The entrepreneurs evening has already established itself as a meeting place for independent, active women in the region," enthused the initiator of the evening, Alexandra Horsch.

The next evening, women entrepreneurs in the barn on 20 September. Then the owner of the painting school "Kuk times to" Annette Niepoth, works on "Autumn in its most beautiful colors" present. Info at Alexandra Horsch, phone 0851 40298 or

Source: PNP, 27 June 2006

Imágenes Caliente

second announcement Entrepreneurs evening in Passau - "Rumor"

Passau. On Wednesday, 31 May 2006, from 18.30 clock the 2nd Entrepreneurs evening in the barn Severinstor instead. Invited are entrepreneurs and committed women from the region.

The Passau art photographer Eva chamber Mayer presents multimedia on a screen several pictures of her photo archive - to match the theme of the evening, "Where's the love falls". Eva Mayer Chamber also considered the mood of women entrepreneurs evening in March in a number of photos set, which are also shown.

"We want women in the region to create a platform for networking. Whether a young entrepreneur, experienced businesswoman, trade workers or freelancers, come into the" barn "and share your experiences and of course your business cards from. "says Alexandra Horsch, a business consultant from Passau, the evening has iniiert along with other entrepreneur in the region

Just in time for the 2 entrepreneurs evening appears the second edition of the" Women Entrepreneurs in mind, "with many interesting women - .. edited by Sandra Bachl

Source: REDT, PR active June 2006

Drivers Webcam Funcam

Personals for women entrepreneurs - 50 women attended the premiere in the barn

networks is a key to success is well aware of Alexandra Horsch, a business consultant for small business came.

"I am acutely aware that women entrepreneurs could be better connected," said Horsch. So the idea was formed to organize a meeting with other entrepreneurs. For regular team catering specialist Antonia Koubek, Margot Hofer Meier are from the "barn", Manuela Schramm of the same office service and the graphic artist Andrea Feil Meier.

The entrepreneurs evening will be a fixed base. Each evening will be a special motto - at the premiere was "With new ideas in the spring." Sonja Dichtl, owner of the florist trade business, "Dandelion" in Hutthurm, presented flowers and decorations in her shop. The

Visitors who had come equipped with business cards, fast talk. Freelancers and business women shared their experiences, young entrepreneurs motivated each other and tips gathered from the "old hands".

Pünktklich for entrepreneurs Bachl evening, Sandra (Sandra Bachl layouts) from Passau, the brochure "Women Entrepreneurs in mind," published. The women schmökerten interested in the magazine. There, interesting, women-led companies to introduce Niederalteich Freyung.

Up until the late hours of the ladies enjoyed the evening, many already agreed to meet for the next evening on 31 women entrepreneurs May Then, the photographer Eva chamber Mayer on "Where love falls" show a presentation.

"We would be happy if they established the event as a meeting place for business women," say the organizers.
More info at Alexandra Horsch, phone 0851 40298 or

Source: eb, PNP 29 March 2006