Thursday, October 18, 2007

Anniversary Message For Bf

Politik in den Alpen, die Zweite!

white sheep kicking black sheep of the country. Little original yet hotly debated, because that is the Swiss People's Party (SVP ) for votes. In posters and is also in a game on the home page Sun symbolizes be how to "criminal foreigners" will proceed. (The same images please see the Spiegel-Online photo gallery ) misleading or ambiguous on purpose ? This one can consider this as a general racist campaign, is also the UN believes that demanded the setting. But for

Switzerland is not only the reputation of the game, but the entire political culture. Imagine what these steps: Thematic election campaigns, personal choice Fought it was only at the local level. Politicians at the federal level only play a minor role, and why, because in Switzerland we have the formula of the very large coalition. The Cabinet is being distributed from all parties according to fixed criteria, which are only occasionally challenged. But now comes the Justice Minister Christoph Blocher therefore with his faithful SVP and is opposed to this style. The party advertises with slogans plates and the person becomes Blocher Program stylized.

Since the last election party already properly in this way could points in Swiss voters, it seems only a matter of time, give in to the other parties to this new policy course . The American party have done it before, with Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder were this from the advertising industry methods in Europe be looked presentable . Now it seems to catch the direct democracy in Switzerland. Brave new world or inevitable evil?


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