Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Does A Cuisanart Crush Ice

Death from above

As you can see, the two last Zoantrophen and become my quick crisis response team finished. Already, the team was able to prove in use for a 1750 points strong Space Marine army. The landing spores reached quite fast and the area and the occupants were able to intervene effectively, despite the near Psimatrix the battle scene. Immediately after the landing was as a Land Raider in the air. Unfortunately, there was the rest of my troops dispersed and so were the Zoantrophen shot down pretty quickly. The Nemesis had, unfortunately, hardly "soft" targets, and despite the moral value test 3d6 managed the Space Marines that all too often, so this not really came into play.
All this would have been half as bad if the rest of the game would not run so crappy. First, you stole my initiative and my offensively established troops had to make in the first two rounds already over 1 / 3 of their total points. But well, shit happens and I have learned. The most important lesson for today is:
"no unit on site, from you know not what they can do and what to ."

This lesson I now bitterly at use of the absorber and Malathrope learned. The Malanthrope acted fairly unprotected and without the right job on the left Nimble and was shot very quickly clumping. The absorber scurried without action on the battlefield and twice I forgot it completely. Finally, the "dependent" critters gave in Round 6 on their mind after the last close synapse was cut. Such was the principle with two units mentioned in the last common use also and therefore I can just annoy me about yourself. For 10 points less I would also get a "overpriced" Neurofex. But at least what would have torn ...

my collection for next major Games I'll think twice that in the future. Has not one of you may already have experience with the Malanthrope, want to share it?
As a revenge, there was still a small conciliatory against chaos demons with 1000 points, and which I had all the bells and whistles at home. As expected, at the end of Round 5 is not a demon out of disk and I had maybe 30 Ganten, a Toxotrophe and here and there a couple of health points at a few models tougher lost.

Thanks to this site on "wrath_child" for this nice, exciting, and not least instructive afternoon / evening.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Latest Nilesat Channels Frequencies

Christmas ...

...ist Scheiße. Abgesehen von dem all gegenwärtigen Konsum- und Familienterror, ist das Fernsehprogramm auch für den Anus. Feiertage eben. Naja, die Tyranidenproduktion läuft und da man sich die schönsten Geschenke selbst macht, habe ich mir heute dies hier gegönnt:

Die Dark Eldar sind dabei, da ich die Modelle einfach toll finde und diese unbedingt bemalen möchte. Die Washes und das Baseset erklären sich von selbst und die Goblins samt Squigs dienen der Verstärkung meiner Orkbande für Mordheim.

Naja, haut rein und Frohes Fest!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cleaning Mold Tent Trailer

project completion in 2010?

This week I have to work more normally and then I finally have a week off, and accordingly time for hobbies. This week, I would then deny one or the other game with 2000 points and finish my Tyranids. Most of it still to be painted models are now again for months around with me and dust off one ...

Should I get these painted models, I would have painted over 2500 points Tyranids together. Of course, then a group photo due. So, keep your fingers crossed!

Otherwise, I'm the last last weekend Orkchampion for my Mordheim gang painted finish. The band is now ready for use. Since I still quarrel with the statement because there really are few models, it is possible that the troll but for the time being knocked out. In its place I would take a couple of Goblins with bows and Squigs including the driver. With this list, it would also be very funny and I have all the necessary models for this already here.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Gay Cruising In Arizona

review of "Ultra Marine" messenger of death, the film

Allen, despite severe weather warnings was found yesterday a pile of a small but aleatoric, to watch the new movie Ultramarines. I would like to take this opportunity to mustard to the Flim issue in itself, without revealing too much about the content.

The film comes in a smart slipcase with a hardcover comic (32 pages) and metal DVD case, in which there are two DVDs. On one DVD, the film with its 76 minutes long and on the other disc contains the bonus features such as a Making Of, interviews, etc. For his 20 € (postage counted out), there is definitely a "valued" product in the hands.

tears The content of the comic briefly the history of the film. So, like a handful of neophytes to Space Marines were. This is nice, but nothing more. Many Warhammer Monthly comic I did there alone in style better. But well, that's a matter of taste.

I would like to say that the film is aimed at people who know for 40k also to do something. Apart from the comic book and a couple of boring phrases at the beginning of the film is really nothing else explains the background of what "normal" people can be something in the rain.

There was much grumbling about the look of the film. At the level of DOW II intros he is really not approach. Most of the action scenes are swept langweliig and empty. Not nothing that the film takes place largely on board a cruiser and assault in the desert. Well, more details are more expensive labor, money and time, but given the sometimes odd-looking film and the physics of the movements of the Marines it is also a hard turning a blind fanboy all eyes. The armor, however, are well done and detailed and in women with low motion sequences, the film looks really good! When even this did voice-capture, why not also capture directly the entire movement?

about the sound and the music I can not say much. The music seemed to be okay. They hit me every Fall nicht auf den Zeiger, gleichzeitig kann ich mich aber auch gar nicht an sie erinnern. Die englische Sprachausgabe passt gut, die deutsche soll dagegen nicht so toll und etwas hölzern sein. Leider habe ich gestern völlig vergessen das noch  zu checken. Insgesamt ist der Film aber etwas zu leise und man muss die Boxen schon lauter als normalerweise drehen.
An zwei Stellen im Film war der Sound zudem so schlecht abgemischt, dass es erhebliche Schwankungen in der Lautstärke gab und man das Gesagte gar nicht mehr verstehen konnte. Ein Verlust ist dies aber nicht, da die Dialoge ohnehin ziemlich platt sind. Immerhin ein Gutes haben sprechende Ultramarines an sich - und zwar wissen wir nun wie man Macragge richtig ausspricht. Mäkrääg? Mäkrääg!

In the film, Marines move quick as weasels, stoats and wooden power armor is, in principle, absolutely. The armor is slightly disproportionate, seem to have no net work and also completely silent. Anarchists and Ultras would also be able to run around naked, as were picked apart by fire and close combat.
Indeed one gets the impression that it is the Ultra Marines the Warrior Elite of the Empire. They die like flies and there is no way to compare the film with normal people, there is the equipment, the size and capabilities, which act Marines ziemlich unelitär. Von den Chaoten mit ihren Äonen an Erfahrung ganz zu schweigen. Was zum Teufel macht denn eine ganze Kompanie von Imperial Fists auf diesem verschissenen Planeten ohne ein Schiff in der Nähe und ohne ein einziges Fahrzeug? Eine ganze Kompanie reicht normalerweise aus, um z.b. eine Rebellion niederzuschlagen oder einen ganzen Krieg zu führen!

Gut ist hingegen die Darstellung der Funktionsweise der Bolter gelungen. Auch die Art und Weise wie sich der Land Speeder fortbewegt, überzeugt. Trotzdem gibt es noch genug Sachen, die einen den Kopf schütteln lassen. Was soll die Kapelle direkt zwischen den Triebwerken des Angriffskreuzers? Was sollte das mit dieser doofen Aura from the Crozius of religious priest? Why do the Marines land speeder just like back on this stupid planet? Actually everything is a real battle of material and waste and nothing is "Honour your Wargear." Etc.

The oh-so-critically acclaimed story that will iron out the weaknesses of others, is quite simple knit. Voltage is unfortunately different. If there were a movie to the book, this would be only between 30 - 50 pages long, and would therefore more like a short story. Therefore, it is difficult to sympathize with the characters develop, let alone to care for them, as this rather "pale" come along and the film simply too short.

The film with its 76 minutes is not just long and with the reductions in the optics and the entertaining story, I see him less as a "real" film. From the feel and the claim here, is "Ultramarines" somewhere between a 25-minute episode of a television series and a pilot located for any such intervention. Nix half and nothing quite level.

Conclusion: The film makes the 40k universe, no better and no worse. He just has too many weaknesses "right" to see him too well and to get carried around. Therefore, I "Ultramarines" only give 5 out of 10 possible points .
Someone who has nothing with 40k on the hat and the thing looks neutral, should find the film rather worse. It is hoped that this is only the first real attempt at a commercial film and implementation of the next movie, just because of the experience gained is now better.

on BOLS there was a week yet to see a new original from the film (unfortunately the sound is very quiet):

For almost 32 € uronic I will not get the movie (see also below), it should However, as announced next year as a normal edition will be available in the shop regularly, I'll think about it.

* * *

Two of us had ordered the film in one order. One film was already Tuesday here, the others took two days longer. WTF? You have to understand that each film will be shipped and billed separately. Meanwhile, the redesigned web shop and it is given only one complete price. Advance could be seen that the postage costs constituted over 10 €. For each movie ordered, the postage due and they accumulate accordingly. In a multiple order of 10 Filmen gibt es also keine Ersparnis in irgend einer Form, da jeder Falm für sich abgerechnet und einzeln versandt wird.
So ein Quatsch! Auf eine Emailanfrage zu dem Thema bzgl. der kumulierenden Versandkosten bekam ich folgende Antwort:
Hi Talarion!
  The orders are processed as part of a VAT exemption scheme and therefore need to be treated separately.
We hope that you will consider the delivered price of EU31 as good value and not focus on the how this has been split out for us to be tax efficient.

Support Team
Super - all that is good intention. For me, an absolute knock-out criterion, not to order the film. The whole thing can be beautiful on a quote from one of the producers to reduce the GD: "GW gave us the rights to make it, but no money."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Drain Pasta Without A Colander

News & Necron

The messenger of death is such a beautiful model and the rules are quite severe. But as I now, it considered that he might with the new Code is dropped or only available for Apocalypse, I wanted to get me another C'tan.
However, I was able to last Weeks to make real bargains on ebay and then the Todebote but now found in my local warehouses.

The assembly was not completely smooth and without working with pens and green stuff I did not. I initially planned to be a real eye painted in the style of the new Dark Eldar armor, but it looked really bad out. So, consider color and down again. Apart from any
NMM perversions I have found no interpretation on the net that really suited me. So, I chose a fairly simple painting, the subject of "death" as good as possible capture. The result then is this:

The trunk and the arms are held metal around and around these parts is the "stuff" still accented. The further away you move, the more monotonous it gets. The good is then wrapped with a gloss varnish and the result is a rather nasty look. Overall, it fits quite well with the rest of the force and stresses is still out. Let's see what he brings to the games. was

Otherwise it at Warseer this week following yet Necron news:

- the new Code will appear in mid-2011
- the IKW throw is for most units to "injuries Ignore last
- it is a new C'tan give
- jugglers and messenger of death received new models with optional equipment
- the tomb spider appears as a plastic kit
- it is a kind of heavy artillery spider give
- it is a new melee unit type -> jump troops in Warrior size
- the Extinktoren get new models
- there should be a new "tank"
- and it is a runner in the section of HQ or support given
-. it plastic kits are for the Necron Lord with all options
- a leading and highly specialized nature of a metal Necron Lord will come
- is by the rules specify that there is a new monolith give (without model)

Since we can be old "Goth" rightly excited and hope that some of it is true. Feel no pain at W4 or more is pretty nice. Besides all the new units hopefully a few of the old unit rules are revised. More than a default selection would be nice or at least the Warriors could be cheaper. Phantoms with electric weapons would not be bad, etc., etc.:)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Overactive Cervical Mucus

Absorbs Predator metamorphosis

Just over 2 1 / 2 years I bought a used Ultra Marine Predator for about 15 €. It used to be a real bargain. However, it was on the part extremely thick paint was on it and the front particularly badly demolished.
Because after all, all weapons options here were, I keep everything with little magnetized neodymium magnets, the possible uses of the tank as flexible as possible.
After the paint as well as he scraped down and dissolved, was I set out from Green Stuff in the form of additional armor Zimmerit present. After painting that looked like this:

After a while I liked the front anymore. Since I have always been the front blades of Forge World was so awesome, but back then it was not easy, I built me such a simple blade of Plasticard itself ..

Nach dem ich vor kurzem von dem GWFW-User "Angelus Mortis" eine große Bitzspende erhielt und in meinem Spielerkreis eine rege WYSIWYG-Diskussion stattfand, entschloss ich mich erneut den Predator anzugehen. Zum wollte ich die Front nun endgültig weg haben und da der Predator eigentlich nie mit einer Schaufel ausgerüstet wurde, musste dieses auch weichen. So setze ich mich also diese Woche hin und kratzte zunächst den ganzen Greenstuff und die Farbe ab. Dann schnitt ich die komplette, schon beim Kauf ruinierte Front heraus und setzte neue Originalteile ein. Ich hatte noch ein kleines Problem mit den Scheinwerfern, welche von Anfang an fehlten und von denen ich auch not in my Bitzbox had. Since necessity is the mother of invention, had to serve a USB pen lid. Unfortunately, the spotlight-Yourself "not quite as wide and chic as the originals, but if I had mentioned nothing of this would be noticed at all most of you, right? Finally, I painted the whole thing and then he was again ready for use!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Diagram Of Chicken Pox


As mentioned in yesterday's post, and I came Scrum against each other. The aim should be to Kill Points with the statement "Pitched Battle". I limit myself to the main events and try to keep myself short.
Scrum picked out a beautiful site and set up first. What a shit! Worse, it would hardly be able to start for me. At least I thought so at this time.

So I put all my bugs in my right side to avoid the enemy fire the first round. In addition, they were relatively compact in order to benefit from the Toxotrophe and Tervigon can.

In the first two rounds, we both moved towards each other and I made absolutely nothing, to die. And who of course had to first go on it? Clearly, my two guards swarm on it went, without just fired a single shot. * Argl *
After all my hard Tervigon casted "Katalyst", keeping the losses in Ganten low.

I was therefore no alternative than anything as aggressive as possible to throw in close combat. Along the way, many a few Ganten and lost Tervigon make matters worse, two more life. One of my managed Gante troops finally in the melee with the Imptrupp the forest on the hill and beat the guys the next two trains the shit out of them.

On my left flank, was an infantry squad and the Sentinel dangerously close with heavy flame thrower. I put everything on a card and left the hatch Tervigon some Ganten. It fell 5-1 - 1 Shoot! Ganten managed only seven and that was the for the rest of the game.
The 7 Ganten it in the melee after all, then to destroy the flame thrower and the Sentinel to bind at the moment.

Scrum saw his fur now but swim away and was daring. He did get his veterans, roared several commands and then opened a real plasma, laser and Melterfeuer to bring to the Tervigon route. Thanks to good defense and cover saves (by Toxotrophe) he lost only 2 LP!
When I finally was my turn, the Tervigon escaped in the melee with the veterans and my third Gante squad in close combat with the Guard troops, who marched behind the Sentinel was. The Toxotrophe was then flattened by the HQ-chimera and the fighting continued.

By the end of lap 5, I had already made up and it was 3:3 Kill Point, because I, as a winner from all melee hervorging.. Es sollte aber auch noch eine sechste Runde geben!
Scrum gab noch einmal alles, schaffte es aber nicht den Tervigon auszuschalten. Ich rüstete einfach zu gut. Im Gegenzug verpflückte der Tervigon die HQ-Chimäre und einer der Gantentrupps zerfetzen den letzten normalen Infanteristen auf dem Feld. Hiernach endete das Spiel mit 5:3 Killpoints für mich.

Zugegebenermaßen war meine Liste bei 500 Punkten ziemlich hart und anti, doch als direkt am Anfang sich 100 Punkte in Form der Schwarmwachen verabschiedeten, sah die Sache ganz anders aus. Der Tervigon überlebte auch nur mit viel Glück und ich selbst bin von einem Sieg Scrums ausgegangen. Die Würfelgötter wollten es aber different and that made the game more exciting. Strangely, this is at scrum of the day. I remember it like a game of Forge Hammers back to his wolves. >> Link \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Thanks to the hosts bat and Scrum for the great game.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Same Symptoms For Fibroid Ovarian Cyst


It's today. The first time there will be a "normal" club meeting and I hope we will be able to continue these meetings every two weeks. Without own club room, and because of our large dispersal that is certainly not an easy task, but it is worth MMN in all cases.

Due To start the occasion, I've thrown my colleagues Scrum down the gauntlet and I will for the first time against his 23rd Cadia play. Currently there are more than 750 points ready to play and the nature of his army that they could originate from the 1:1 or the WD Code. Every single Püppi was painted with love and genius. I allow myself time to build its army from the Star Cusaders refer to - Link .

We have agreed on a 500-point match and I'll start with my very Tyras. Interestingly, it has never been against the Scrum Käfer gezockt und hoffentlich gelingt es mir Furcht sowie Schrecken in seinen Reihen zu sähen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, werde ich mit folgender Liste gegen ihn antreten:

*************** 1 HQ ***************
Tervigon + Sensenklauen + Adrenalindrüsen + Stachelsalve + Katalyst - - - > 190 Punkte

*************** 3 Elite ***************
1 Schwarmwache - - - > 50 Punkte

1 Schwarmwache - - - > 50 Punkte

1 Toxotrophe - - - > 55 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************
16 Termagants - Bohrkäferschleudern - - -> 80 points

15 Termagants - Bohrkäferschleudern - - -> 75 points

Total points Tyranids: 500

To this list to play so well, I still have just painted my second flock guard. Otherwise, I hope that the Tervi Ganten busy spitting and pushing the rest of beautiful. The swarm of guards grab the chimeras and the Sentinel, which Ganten overrun the infantry by their mass and Toxotrophe offers the collected team coverage in the first 1-2 rounds. We'll see if the plan Sun rises. I'll keep you informed.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Edmonton Male Waxing Brazilian


The troll for my Mordheim Orkbande is on Friday last week I finished, but since it is now always dark so early and I was up yesterday on the way, I submit only today picture after picture. I hope I go well with him and can finally win some games. So far, I brought the set to quantity instead of quality "were unsuccessful.
As you can see, it has become one of the old model. I like these early comic-like trolls much better than the newer and current. Sure, it's no bemaltechnisch highlight, but it is "only" a mini game and The main thing he rocks ...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Can U Buy Valium Off The Counter?

Kill the troll teams?

quite experienced with the new combat forces to kill an expansion team, a new revival. The rules have been lightened and the normal 40k game in the 5th Edition is another interesting facet added.
The rules can put together great, very fluffy fighting squads and have fun. One can for a total of 200 points: buy

0-1 0-2 0-1 Standard

units. Each model in the unit operates during the game as a single unit and may his Attacks on individual models are aimed. There are also a few other special rules, eg you can kill per team specialists also determine special rules. It will be played with for 36 x 36-48 x48 inch panels emphasizes plenty of outdoor space. I make these games a lot of fun, especially because one quickly the 200 points added together and the games could be played quite fast. The great thing is that you sometimes just sometimes people can try a different / another army. With less than 50 € you have in most cases quickly set up a force and perhaps this is the beginning of a "right" 40k army.
The rules in the mission book are well understood only as a basis and are not particularly audgereift. Thus, there are many gaps that had sprung up in the play and we have made in the club accordingly. Here are our rule additions:
  • transport vehicles can carry as many models as they have specified as the transport capacity. Models may begin the game within the vehicle.
  • for vehicles (which actually have no MW in profile) is the standard moral values \u200b\u200bof the occupation in Codex described is used (eg Space Marine Rhino with MW = 8, IA = chimera soldier with MW 7, etc.).
  • positive and negative effects within the normal 40k concern in its own unit, eg paramedics, some banners, special skills (eg Sergeant Telion, develop low-hold etc. its effect within 2 "to the question / model concerned about or can be applied to other models. This of course only for equipment and skills that only is then as long as the model work on the table and have a separate range in the rules, see eg Sanguiniuspriester or Company Standard Bearer -. for them to work unchanged
  • been if shot in the firing phase models may only this (potential survivors) attacked be.
  • The really optional special rule with the specialists will be the default rule.
Otherwise, the rules of combat forces from the book, the codices and the rule book remains fully.

What are your experiences and plays her Kill Teams?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Snailantenna Identification

Schön war's...

Gestern um 22 Uhr sind wir nach langer Reise gut in Kloten gelandet. Zurück sind wir! Nachdem das Reisen zum Alltag wurde irgendwie ein abruptes Ende... realisiert haben wir es jedenfalls noch nicht so ganz.

So oder so aber gilt, daheim ist es einfach am schönsten!!! Auch wenn die Reintegration nicht einfach wird;-)

Schön habt ihr uns auf unserem unvergesslichen Trip begleitet - Merci!

Und Tschüss!
Oli, Sändu & Tom

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Can You Buy Human Puppy Chow At A Store?


Zueruck in Kathmandu standen uns noch zwei Tage zur Verfuegung bis der Flug zurueck in die Heimat anstand. Es galt die letzten Souvenirs zu kaufen, das Packen zu organisieren (was einfacher klingt als es ist, vorallem wenn you have purchased hard .... but we want to reveal any names ...) and see the latest attractions in and around Kathmandu.

This included the neighboring town of Bhaktapur, to the 15th Century, the capital of Nepal. In contrast to Kathmandu, a large part of the old town to this day is maintained in good condition. Amidst the temples, pagodas and ancient villas feels like you are in another world. Very pleasant were the limited presence tourist who stayed probably depend to a large part in the volcanic cloud ...

In memory of our stay, the taxi ride. For the 12km we needed as much as ueber eine Stunde. Klar hatte es viel Verkehr und waren die Strassen in miserablem Zustand... bessere Bedingungen haetten allerdings auch nichts genuetzt. Der betagte Taxifahrer und seine kleine Klapperkiste kriegten naemlich sowieso nicht mehr als 40 Stundenkilometer hin! Wir nahmens mit Humor und genossen die Sightseeing-Fahrt;-)

Der zweite Ausflug nach Pathan suedlich von Kathmandu fiel dann leider ins Wasser. Die Maoisten, die in der Bevoelkerung einen sehr starken Rueckhalt geniessen, feiern heute naemlich ihren 1.Mai und nutzen diesen gleich zu einer Protestkundgebung gegen die aktuelle Regierung. Sie fordern nicht weniger als den Ruecktritt des Ministerpraesidenten. Die Lage ist ziemlich angespannt und die Strassen deswegen gesperrt. Fuer Morgen ist ein Generalstreik announced. If all goes well we will get the feel but not everything to luck. Today at 23:15 If the first is by three flights of heimwaerts. Morning at 21.55 we should fly Kloten ... We are very happy!

Now we have to find out just how we get out of the airport has to be .... a bit ;-) voltage

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Can U Eat The Skin Of A Beet

Trekking im Langtang

Done! Both the tour as we ... Have just returned from 9 day trekking in the Langtang National Park back - it was truly a grand finale! The walk through the secluded valleys with mountain streams and wild
7000m high mountains was unforgettable! We do not bore you with details, a brief but must be for us too ;-)

first 4 days
clock in the morning after we climbed with the guide and a support in Kathmandu bus Dhunche. The drive took about 8 hours and was quite a thrill. The second half saw declines on incredibly bad roads along steep slopes. The crossing of the vehicles was almost impossible. Just before the finish an overturned truck blocked the road, so we had to be patient until it went ...
waited Upon arrival still a 2.5 hour hike to the first stage stop us until we "Syaphru Besi" reached at 1400m.

second At 7 days
los clock went. was good 7 hours it up through a wonderful valley and 1,500 meters. We regularly passed basic cabins each food offered. Wonderful was the crossing of wild forests with lianas and moss-grown trees. At the end of the valley loomed already the 7200m high mountain Langtang Lirung out.
highlight though was the encounter with a pack Langur monkeys are wild dangled from the trees! But they were not photogenic ;-)
was unfortunately stay overnight at 3000m in a very nice cabin in Ghoratabela.

third Days
Again, went off at seven. After four hours' walk through the valley, we met up at the overnight Kyanjing one that was liegt.Damit to nearly 3800m reached the daily target as yet. After extensive
lunch we climbed the 4700m high mountain Kyanjing Ri first time it was really tough ... the amount was reflected in the steep slope and we were slow. Fortunately we were able to transfer the luggage
of the accommodation and carried only a little food with us. These efforts were finally rewarded more than! The view from the ridge and then was breathtaking at the summit. We were surrounded by a mountain range with several 6000ern, covered with glaciers and impressive to us drew an eagle circles!

4th get up early days
was announced! But this was not particularly difficult, since one night usually emerges at 9 in the sleeping bag ... a lack of alternatives and to fill up a little heat. DemTagesprogramm stood on the 4984m (that is almost a 5000 - but it still sounds a lot better ;-) high Chauri Kharka. Good claimed six hours of ascent and descent. The road was down to the gravel circuit piece quite simple, but still a Riesenchrampf! Especially Oli has felt the height and did not come from the spot at times ... But this time we were rewarded with a fantastic mountain panorama.
was after a long lunch break then almost on the expiry of. We had already completed that is part of the way back. The 2.5-hour slightly descending path, however, was a walk compared to this morning!

5th Today
days was the morning of the second part of the "compulsory exercise" an.Während four hours we went the same route back down to the valley at 1680m. In the afternoon we turned off into a side valley and then struggled in the sweltering heat of terraced fields high up into the idyllic mountain village we Thulo Syaphru (2210) arrived. On that day we had the first time mobile phone reception and were told and in the last cracker nor the title of the SCB - juhuuuu!

6. Tag
Zwar stand nur eine kurze Wanderung an, dafür eine unglaublich happige. Es galt in nur vier Stunden 1700 Höhenmeter zurück zu legen bis wir auf 3900m in Laurebina auf einem Grat unsere Unterkunft
bezogen. Gerade rechtzeitig, das Wetter verschlechterte sich nämlich zusehends. Der starke Wind und die niederen Temperaturen waren nicht wirklich angenehm... Aber ueber das Wetter koennen wir uns ansonsten wahrlich nicht beklagen - besseres Wanderwetter kann man sich nicht wuenschen!

7. Tag
Nach etwa 2.5 stetigem Aufstieg erreichten wir auf 4600m Gosainkund. Die Bergregion ist berühmt für seine holy mountain lakes. What looked to us for nice mountain lakes, is more transparent pilgrimage for the Hindus. Each full moon, they take the long and arduous path to be to redeem himself in the icy seas of sins. On a bathroom we did not, however, thanks, have indeed no reason to do ;-)

We took the first part of the long descent into attack. At 3584m we reached in Cholangpaty our next hut and still had enough time to slowly but surely, our tired legs hochzulagern and prepare for the final descent.

8th Days
The descent back to the starting Dhunche was completed fairly quickly. After 3.5 hours we had the 1500 meters mastered. Worth mentioning is really just the cheese factory, where we obtained supplies us with a fine, very mild yak cheese.
In unexciting backwater Dhunche it was called then just wait. The transport back to Kathmandu was fixed although it took until the following day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pink Sauce Hibachi Restaurant

Namaste Kathmandu!

If Sunday night arrived safely in Kathmandu. The contrast with Hong Kong could not be starker! We have heard a lot in advance about the capital of Nepal and yet, in such a city you can not prepare well ... Despite ubiquitous poverty, despite the unprecedented traffic chaos and filth, Kathmandu has done to us with his vitality.

It is fantastic to see contest with what joy the people here everyday, especially when you consider what recent history has the country behind him. Two years ago the king, after years of mismanagement and violent riots was overthrown. Democracy is now the motto, the initial effort to make very difficult and first results remain pending. On the Constitution worked for two years. The composition of the people with different ethnic groups and castes make the job easier ... not sure is still evident in the people of the optimism. After all, the country has regained stability and is recovering so well over the vital tourism slowly.

After two days we have won a first survey in Kathmandu, however, no orientation! The road network is created incredibly chaotic. In the narrow streets there is diligent drive everywhere, the city seems to be a huge bazaar ... Hoehpunkt the city itself is the small but beautiful old town. The temples and Padogen impress with beautiful embellishments to an unbelievable level of detail.

Outside the center, we have the three great religious centers of the Buddhists, Hindus and Tibetans visited. The stupa with colorful prayer flags are simply gorgeous. It is hardly out of the wonder ...

same time, we have prepared us for the 9-day trek. Starting tomorrow morning at 4 clock ... Target is located the north of Kathmandu Langtang National Park. We are very happy! Is almost the end of our journey ... In the next post you are asked to wait a bit so, -}

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blonde Chunks Brown Hair

Macau: Las Vegas Asiens!

Today it went by speedboat to the island of Macau. As Hong Kong and Macau has a rich history. The small island was from 16 Century, with the consent of China by Portugal managed and used as commercial space. As to mid 18th Century, Macau is the only place for the import and export of goods to and from China remained the port city experienced a rapid recovery. Then, when the British Hong Kong built up a second port, Macau, however, soon lost importance.

Economically, the island went from there to Portugal rather lackluster and increasingly lost interest in the colony. Added to this was that the revolution in Portugal in the 70's got himself in big trouble. But as long as China was not interested in a takeover, to the UK was willing to negotiate also on the future of Hong Kong.

enjoys Macau, like Hong Kong today for 50 years since the adoption in 1999 Special administrative status. That is, its own border, its own currency, in principle, its own government (but strongly controlled by Beijing), etc.

Macao to 500,000 residents and has still a lot of Mediterranean charm. For once, the city center with numerous colonial buildings maintained in good condition.

Especially in Macau is also that of Portugal in the 60 years to generate additional income for a very liberal gambling laws introduced. This will probably keep China in the future, so lucrative is the business! For the meantime has on the island a little Las Vegas developed. Several large investors have had to build huge complexes - the possibilities seem no limits ... that is one of the casino hotels, for example, modeled after Venice, with gondolas, Rialto Bridge, St. Mark's Square and all the trimmings!

Nevertheless, since most of the inhabitants of the wealth only marginal benefits, the fishing continues to be an important purchase.