Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why Doesnt The 3 Color Wire Work On My Ps3

band's rearmament

After the first game went so well, I can buy myself some new goodies and band members.

15 gold because I had a small change in equipment still on and found my three chips, which I sold for 55 gold, I had a total of 70 gold available.

for 15 gold to buy yet another Squig for 15 gold.

My boss bought a heavy armor and an ax (= 55 gold). He also gives his sword to the shaman, who with his two attacks in the profile is now somewhat fortified.

So I can show my boss adequate, I instantly bought a new model and painted yesterday. The Squig I get today may still ready ...

My gang looks for the next Match words like:
Boss "Gragthurg"
+ ax +
+ heavy armor + helmet

shaman Throrat "
+ + arch
Big Un "Suubog"
+ ax +
+ helmet

Big Un "Remnok"
+ ax +
+ Sign

4 Goblins with short bows
1 Goblin Squig Herder
5 Squigs
a Orkboy with ax and shield

15 models x 5
hero experience 70
= band value 145

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Do I Get Ohip To Cover Lap Band Ontario

quick and painful

Yesterday it was my first game so far and I've played in our Mordheim campaign. My first opponent was his obsession with Elrond, specifically the "cult of the Broken Moon."

We played the Mission "breakthrough" . The possessed were the attackers and tried by the area occupied by the Orcs zubrechen. First featured on the possessed and started the game.
Once rumors going around of Morssteinfunden, many adventurers embark on a search for the much coveted wealth. Even after successful recovery, it often happens that one has to protect his find from envious rivals.
champion Zach Arias-MA (70) with bar / club (3)

Ryy'x - madman (90) large claw (50)

Alwar Aculeus - Mutant (25), spines (35), leg (3)

Horolf the Horned - Mutant (25), demonic soul (20), ax (5) and leg (3)
The Ties That Bind - 2 Initiates (50) with axes (10)
The Enlightened - 2 Illuminati (70) Helmets (10), Flegel (30)

models: 8, issued gold coins: 499, band value: 68
first Round

The possessed were advancing and only whetted their blades.
Ich dagegen erwürfelte das zufällige Ereignis "Realitätsverzerrung" mit einer Reichweite von einem Zoll und mit einer Dauer von einem Spielzug. Dann stänkerte einer meiner Goblins und machte nichts weiter. Die verbliebenen drei Goblins schossen mit ihren Bögen, doch trafen nichts. Mein Held Remnok griff einen der Illuminaten an und schaffte es ihn zu betäuben. Ein Squig griff den zu Boden gegangenen Illuminaten an, doch verwundete ihn nicht. Der Rest der Truppe rückte ebenfalls nur vor.

2. Runde

Elrond reality distortion was much greater with 5 inches and should continue through all three plays. The second Illuminat attacked Remnok, this turns out, however, the Illuminati! Horolf and an initiator attack a Squig, which is then turned off as well. Ryy'x heroically jumps over the river and attacked Suubog - this time being melee ended in a stalemate.

fumed Now two Goblins and did nothing. The other two shot hit, but again nothing. Two other Squigs managed it in close combat. One of them stands on the spines of the mutant Alwares and goes to the ground. On the bridge, the third bite remained a squig schönes Stück aus einem der Initianten heraus, woraufhin dieser verblutet und entsprechend ausgeschaltet wird.
Mit zwei verlorenen Modellen würden die Besessenen nun schon testen müssen, ob sie sich zurückziehen.

3. Runde

Die Besessenen bestehen den Rückzugstest und Zacharias attackiert einen Squig. Ebenso wirft sich ein Initiat wirft sich in Nahkampf mit dem Orkboy. Letztlich sind aber alle tobenden Kämpfe verbissen aber ergebnislos.

The reality distortion is now 3 inches tall and would last for 2 trains. Again fumed one of the archers did not matter. A Squig and Treibagoblin attack Zacharias and the Squig it off. Also my boss kills now Alwares undRyy'x boxing to everyone's surprise but still my hero Suubog to the ground.

4th could round

had now possessed the only test on the morale of the possessed, and went whizzing.

- Playing -

After the game, once again it was extremely exciting, and ultimately very funny, as Elrond just damn bad dice:

  • getting extra XP because of severe inferiority of the band value
  • Find 2 Morssteinsplitter sell recovered it for 50 gold
  • Initiate recovering
  • Illuminat is
  • Alwar replaced because of multiple injuries permanent deductions on its values: chest injury-1W, leg broken-1B, hand broken-1KG
  • Zacharias (the leader) dies
  • increase initiators and get +1 A
  • increase get Illuminati and +1 I
  • Horolf increases and gets +1 S
  • Alwar increases and get new skill -> request of the Shadow Prince - Chaos Armor

  • find 3 Morssteinsplitter, all selling for 55 gold
  • find body (dagger) + a survivor Mort home is ( after the next game used)
  • recovered Squig is
  • Throrat increases and gets +1 A
  • Remnok increases and gets +1 KG

As you can see again how bitter it may take you. Despite the super profile Ryy'x was a zero number. I'm glad my first game after the many defeats earlier successfully completed zu haben. Leider hat es mein Schamane kein einziges Mal geschafft seinen Zauber zu sprechen (Zzap mit Komplexität 9) und die Bogenschützengoblins waren auch nur heiße Luft. Der Rest hat aber gut reingehauen und besonders die Squigs haben echt gerockt. Daher schaffe ich mir von meinem Gold direkt noch einen neuen an und mein Chef bekommt eine dicke Rüstung. Har, Har.

Mein besonderer Dank geht an dieser Stelle an Goatmörser für die Dokumentation und die Orga, an Ivo für die Bilder und Eldrond für das spannende Spiel.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flesh Blood Megavidéo

The calm before the storm

Bereits morgen werden meine "Unruhä Stifta'z" marodierend durch Mordheim ziehen und ein paar Besessene vom "Kult des gebrochenen Mondes verkloppen.

At the last meeting of our players circle I have a dice under the watchful eyes of the parties the award for my shaman. It was a "3" and that means
Zzap! A crackling bolt of green WAAAGH! energy erupts from the Shaman's forehead to strike the skull of the closest foe. This energy easily overloads the brain of a weak-willed opponent. Range 12 "Causes D3 S4 hits on the closest enemy target, with no armor saves allowed Difficulty:... 9
Geil pig and MMN had the best offensive spell hit Let's see if I can rock it tomorrow, well.. ;

Ansonsten komme ich momentan kaum zu etwas. Die Callidus Assassine hängt immer noch im Warp irgendwo zwischen hier und England fest und sonst habe ich es hauptsächlich nur geschafft, die Püppies zusammen zu bauen. Beim Eversor liegen nun ein paar Schädel rum, alles sieht schroff aus und Blut kommt auch noch dazu. Der Vindicare steht in Trümmern eines Gebäudes und vielleicht packe ich wirklich noch ein paar Hülsen oder ein leeres Magazon dazu. Naja, beim Culexus erklärt sich alles ja von selbst...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Shotacon 3d Malajuven

Nemesis 4 real

Wer findet Assassinen nicht genial?

Schon als ich das erste Mal mit denen in der 2. Edition came in contact, I found pretty cool. The background and the Minis just grabbed me. Shortly after the appearance of "new" Minis anno 1995, I bought even a Eversor assassin and painted it, but without ever really use in a game (I was playing only Eldar).

Now that I have read the book "Nemesis" from the Horus Heresy series, I can not contain myself and must Püppi of the four parties, available on the main temple of the Officio have Assassinorum! As there were Eversor, Culexus, Callidus and Vindicare.
Two of the Models are now in my possession that were purchased and two others are on their way to me. I will paint the merry bunch as a better game models, and design, I will call on the newly purchased Baseskit. When Eversor surely a few will find their way onto the skull base, the Culexus maybe a few crystals and otherwise I'm still undecided - Does anyone have good ideas?
is currently already the Assassin Vindicare under my brush, I can still hope to finish this weekend.
find Maybe in one or the other debate the way to the battlefield and, if possible, there are already first rule changes by the new Grey Knights Codex?!

Jetzt wo ich über das Thema schreibe fällt mir ein, dass ich immerhin mal gegen eine Callidus Assassine gekämpft habe. Mitten in einer heißen Schlacht gegen ein paar Arbites tauchte diese unvermittelt hinter meinen Reihen auf! Allerdings gelang es ihr nicht mehr als 1-2 Servitoren auszuschalten, bevor sie selbst frittiert wurde. Ein One-Hit Wonder eben. Aber was für eine tolle Mini!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Housing In Columbus For Pregnant Women

Mission: Fun Crusher

Gestern war es endlich soweit und wir konnten wie geplant die Mission "Linienbrecher" aus dem "Kampfeinsätze" Erweiterungsbuch play 40k. Unfortunately, the mission description rather thin, and it leaves open many. We also spoke to us in advance not from each other enough so that total was unfortunately a very one-sided, rather joyless lot. So it came to include misunderstandings with respect to the applicable rules for the tanks (IA vs. Apo) and myself, to a real "anti-list".

I played my Forge Hammers with 1450 points and each one of my opponents commanded one of the super heavy tank (2x Baneblade, 1x Shadow Word).

I was so afraid of the tanks and was obsessed with destroying at least one of them. Their only weak spot is the rear armor with a value of "only 12" and I assumed that they would deny me my opponent for a landing capsule attack, I was completely in the melee. All my teams had at least an e-fist and it should bring the Hammertermis directly in the first round, one of the big tank to burst.
1x Thorguf (aka Capt.. Lysander)
5 Sturmtermis with hammers, storm shields in a Land Raider with MultiMelt
5 Termitrupp with Cyclone Missile Werder and two chain fists
an Ironclad Dreadnought
10 Tactical Squad with Melter, rocket launchers and E-Faust
5 he Tactical Squad with E-Faust
5 Scout troop with E-Faust

As can be seen on the grid, this is possible but by the rules, but unfortunately, storytelling and play extremely unhappy. I could batches so in the first round with the TERMIS and as my reserves of the long table edges would come, I could attack directly from the second round the two side Baneblades in close combat.
So it was then, without much ado was after my 4th Round, none of the thick shell more and I even had to complain only a damaged Land Raider, a lost Hammertermitrupp and two lost tactical marines.

My teammates were therefore not as much fun and I do not. If we had placed more emphasis on the narrative aspect of this really historic bay and denied us better, it could have been a really exciting and fun game. been
're looking site on the side of the defenders like a bastion, trenches, ramparts and would normally be required if the Baneblades had the first train, this would have come much more stylish. Playing a pure Ballerburg's just as barren as to gamble against a melee army, which then also takes the short trip on the flanks

three times as easy Baneblades to pit against a normal 1500 army is ultimately not so tight and makes no one happy. Without additional changes and arrangements, it is forced down to is that either the Baneblades rulorn we sow and do everything flat or eintütet the opposing army Baneblades relatively quickly and clearly.

you So let my experience be a lesson and make it better!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Microwave Wave Guide Cover Fell Is It Safe

Dr. Faust

Last week we got our meeting as a gamer, unfortunately, because of some sick leave. If it were not even Nurgle had his finger in the game. ;)
That gave me the opportunity, but my mission statement for the "line buster" to reconsider. Scouts I had been scheduled for my Forge Hammers force. Except for rocket launchers Scouts, however, have hardly anything in their repertoire, representing a Baneblade could be dangerous. So I had the idea, a sergeant with E-thumb to use.
Some time ago I had once bought the metal Scout Sergeant and Terminatorarm was also used since ancient times around here.
It took only a few steps and the conversion was already perfect. Then came a little color and already he was ready. Hopefully, the sergeant also bring at least something ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Tp Play Monnt And Blade On Lan

Survival of the Fittest

Since the swarm is known to adapt and I am not satisfied with the performance of some units, you had to include in the HQ-sections do something. So it was that the biomass of the harpy was converted to form a new threatening Schwarmtyranten. Meanwhile, the conversion is the fourth of this kit and I'm even surprised how long I can deal with it.

I have long wondered how to equip the Schwarmtyranten. A melee monster he is, without question. However, as I quite often against Imps and Orks and play me the fireworks of the Carnifex with its synchronized Neuralfressern convinced that Schwarmi for 30 points in addition also receives such parts missing.
Sense claws are quite nice, but when I later but the rerolls should do, so I can buy that is still the ability to "age adversary." The whip and sword the horn but cost nothing, but his initiatives Schwami the skin anyway mostly first or at least simultaneously. And a sword does not really something. Since he is a monstrous creature, his attacks are already e-weapon attacks and with the throw of only 2d6 on the moral value, you need much luck to tear something.
I find for my share, compared with the 12 synchronized shot size 6 just too cool. The help to the average distance to almost everything on the way into the melee and much much help after all. ;)

To complete the package, then he gets the two Psychic Powers "Mental Scream" and "nervous shock" with. The rest of the options is too expensive or I mean, he does not need this right now really. I'm just waiting to see the first games and whether I will then make changes to the equipment.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Type Of Doctor Treats Tendons

Since Unruhä Stifta'z ... Horus Heresy

...sind fertig für ihre erste Klopperei in den Ruinen Mordheims. Wie man sieht, habe ich den Troll Fladnag nun doch erst einmal außen vor gelassen und den Goblins samt Squigs den Vortritt gelassen. So wird die Bande etwas bunter und lustiger. Mit 14 Modellen ist dies ab Start auch die größte Bande und meine Gegner müssen da ganz schön was wegholzen, bevor ich testen muss.
Vier meiner sieben Mitspieler präsentieren ihre Banden mit Hintergrund, Bildern etc. auch im Internet und ich möchte an dieser Stelle darauf verweisen: 

Overall, we have two witches hunter, once Skaven, two demon-possessed, even Marie Burger, once Middenheim and hold my orcs at the start. I hope the first debate is not long in coming, and I'm curious to see how things develop and propose individual bands are.

Here is my list in list form:
Boss "Gragthurg" 80
+ Mace 15
+ bar 10
+ helmet 10
+ sign 5

shaman Throrat " 40
+ bow 10

Big Un "Suubog" 40
+ ax + 5
bar 10
+ helmet 10

Big Un "Remnok" 40
+ ax 5
10 + sword + shield 5

4 Goblins with short bows = 80 gold pieces
1 Goblin Squig Herder = 30 gold pieces
4 Squigs = 60 gold pieces
a Orkboy with ax and shield = 35 gold pieces

= 500 gold

14 models x 5
hero experience 60
= band value 130

Monday, January 10, 2011

Customize Your Wrestling Singlet


Oops, there I am still almost one of the novels of the HH series through their fingers gone! Meant the book "The First Heretic" is. Well bei der Menge an mittlerweile erschienenen Titeln kann man auch leicht den Überblick verlieren. Da ich erst letzte Woche selbst zweimal nach der Reihenfolge der Erscheinungen gefragt wurde, möchte ich endlich für Klarheit sorgen. Zuerst steht der englische Originaltitel und es folgt, soweit bekannt, der deutsche Titel samt angekündigtem Erscheinungsdatum:
  1. Horus Rising - Aufstieg des Horus
  2. False Gods - Falsche Götter
  3. Galaxy in Flames - Brennende Galaxis
  4. Flight of the Eisenstein - Kreuzer Eisenstein
  5. Fulgrim - Fulgrim
  6. Descent of Angels - Gefallene Engel
  7. Legion - Legion
  8. Battle for the Abyss - Am Abgrund (Januar 2011)
  9. Mechanicum - Mechanicum (April 2011)
  10. Tales of Heresy
  11. Fallen Angels - Angel of the depth (August 2011) A Thousand Sons
  12. Nemesis
  13. The First Heretic
  14. Prospero Burns
not yet appeared in English:

16th Age of Darkness

Heyne Why the book "Tales of Heresy" does not regularly than 10 Translated book in favor of "Fallen Angels" prefers is unknown to me. Incidentally, the English editions differ in different colored borders and lettering. Thus, the first golden edition, the second and third silver bronze. Solely on the presentation of her like me, therefore, the English books far better than the Germans.

All previous volumes are in rough chronological order, and in places there are references or allusions to those described in other books sidelines of the rebellion. Some books can be read independently from the others and still others build in the form of a mini-series on each other. Here the individual coarse strands:

This series deals with the case of Horus, and the rebellion as a whole and the first three books should be read as the foundation already:
a) Horus Rising -> False Gods -> Galaxy in Flames -> Flight of the Eisenstein / Fulgrim
If we know that it was the treachery of Horus at all, you can read these two books about the Dark Angels also safely separated from the rest or leave it out entirely, since " Descent of Angels "MMN anyway, the worst book in the series is:
b) Descent of Angels -> Fallen Angels
returns in this mini series is about the fall of the Thousand Sons and these books can before the background of Horus case also be read separately.
c) A Thousand Sons - Next> Prospero Burns
books are also, of itself and on the events described, if ever referred to in the main books of the series only in passing:
Battle for the Abyss
Tales of Heresy
The First Heretic

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wording For Engagementcard

Back from the UK

this weekend hobby was technically not so much because I was abroad. At least I managed to hide something from the Games Workshop on Oxford Street (see photo) look inside. Despite the favorable euro-pound exchange rate can not make a real bargain and ultimately it is in the British Vehicle Shops anything different from here. Well, after all, there `s much of the comparatively Black Library and the Imperial Armour books. But were brought into line at least since the contents of the European WD's, well worth a visit is not really.

but I use my chance to make a pressure-fresh copy of the latest book to catch the Horus Heresy-series. The last part Nemesis I'm almost through and then I want to see burn a few heretics! Not least because my book "A Thousand Sons' has fallen quite well.

addition to all the learning and work stress I am going to reactivate my Schwarmtyranten again this week and then on Thursday even as the mission "line buster" against 3 Baneblades or their equivalents to. Then I'll be very interested. It reads, then!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Diffence Between Cubefield 1 And 2

The swarm adapts

Having in my last battle with Space Marines got a neat cap on, I thought about my strategy and set me yesterday the Space Marines of the Order of the salamander. Since it was a 2250 points game, I had to set up everything at my disposal, without regard to the effectiveness of the units. The strongest would survive and the new generation of Tyras are adjusted accordingly.

We played the Mission "from the extension directory Combat operations. The playing field is thereby divided into 6 parts and in their respective center placed a marker that must be conquered. Where appropriate entity is established or entering the pitch is erwürfelt by W6. The salamander stood relatively centrally on the plate, as the Tyranids would zustürmen any moment from any direction on it. And infighting in the first round, no one can use (except me of course).

The Tyranids mission had caused the first train and appeared as Jagged on the plate. Here and there finally was nothing to shoot at or attack in the area, but mostly I was lucky. This enabled me as soon as two Razorbacks, two Land Speeders and a handful of Marines to destroy. I also was able to bind very many units in close combat, so that the enemy would be correspondingly meager income phase. She did and I had to complain about a few casualties.

came in Round 2 of my two landing spores, releasing the nemesis and three Zoantrophen. The Zoantrophen immediately blew the Land Raider and otherwise I was very happy and diced many Space Marines transported to the afterlife.
reared in its second round, the salamander once more to despair and kill the Nemesis, a spore landing, two guards and a little flock of sheep. This was not enough to stop my advance, and so were, in my third round only four ailing Space Marine units and not one more vehicle. Here were the players on Salam Enders finally, as would have still been two rounds before him, and he reversed the tear simply no longer could.

thank at this point to Funky beaver for the entertaining game and good company!

My impressions about the usefulness of so many Tyranideneinheit confirmed once again in this game. Units with a loss I will work for the time being no longer or only rarely, because they simply are not my style of play or stop are bad simply

- Malanthrope
- Tyranidenkrieger
- Biovoren
- Harpy
- Absorber

following units, however, I will now use more often or even buy more of it, as they mich wirklich überzeugt haben:

+ Termaganten
+ Tervigon
+ Carnifex
+ Zoantrophen

Zu allen anderen hier nicht genannten Einheiten des Codex habe ich keine Meinung bzw. habe ich noch keine Erfahrung sammeln können oder ich stehe ihnen neutral gegenüber. Jeder mag sich dazu sein eigenes Urteil bilden.
Wie man sieht, steht es eher schlecht mit meinen HQ-Auswahlen und daher werde ich mir noch doch wieder einen Schwarmtyranten zulegen. Diese Mal ohne Flügel und großartigen Schnickschnack. Auf den Schwarmherrscher hatte I first cast an eye, but is for me the little games is too expensive and too hard. But what else are finally magnets, and maybe he has later on a test site ...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How To Tie Dye Saddle Pad

2011 and the good intentions

all our readers a Happy New Year!

My intention to complete the Tyranids in 2010 failed. In the last few days just accumulated too many appointments, commitments, and not least the PC Zockerei. The Venator are well on track for completion and is due soon as a game with 2500 points, the Carnifex can not wait too long in coming.

is above Squig for my Mordheim band finished. Instead of the Trolls I will initially run for 200 points and Goblins Squigs into the field. The tear may not be as much, but are simply cool and funny. The calculation would look like this, where even 15 gold pieces were about

4 Goblins with short bows = 80 gold pieces
1 Goblin Squig Herder = 30 gold pieces
5 Squigs = 75 gold pieces

= 185 Gold

So I am missing two Squigs the complete band. I should get well in a few days now and then hopefully it will soon go with the first raids.

+ + +

is available for the week after next Thursday or the special mission "line buster" from the extension point "combat operations" on. They are then in my case, two and a Storm Blade Baneblades around 1450 points of my Forge Hammers . Meanwhile, I file already on a list and at least one model I will also paint it ...

are ultimately in 2011, however, some important challenges in professional point of view and I hope that I can hobby in the usual dimensions remain faithful.