Mission: Fun Crusher
Gestern war es endlich soweit und wir konnten wie geplant die Mission "Linienbrecher" aus dem "Kampfeinsätze" Erweiterungsbuch play 40k. Unfortunately, the mission description rather thin, and it leaves open many. We also spoke to us in advance not from each other enough so that total was unfortunately a very one-sided, rather joyless lot. So it came to include misunderstandings with respect to the applicable rules for the tanks (IA vs. Apo) and myself, to a real "anti-list".
I played my Forge Hammers with 1450 points and each one of my opponents commanded one of the super heavy tank (2x Baneblade, 1x Shadow Word).
I was so afraid of the tanks and was obsessed with destroying at least one of them. Their only weak spot is the rear armor with a value of "only 12" and I assumed that they would deny me my opponent for a landing capsule attack, I was completely in the melee. All my teams had at least an e-fist and it should bring the Hammertermis directly in the first round, one of the big tank to burst.
1x Thorguf (aka Capt.. Lysander)
5 Sturmtermis with hammers, storm shields in a Land Raider with MultiMelt
5 Termitrupp with Cyclone Missile Werder and two chain fists
an Ironclad Dreadnought
10 Tactical Squad with Melter, rocket launchers and E-Faust
5 he Tactical Squad with E-Faust
5 Scout troop with E-Faust
As can be seen on the grid, this is possible but by the rules, but unfortunately, storytelling and play extremely unhappy. I could batches so in the first round with the TERMIS and as my reserves of the long table edges would come, I could attack directly from the second round the two side Baneblades in close combat.
So it was then, without much ado was after my 4th Round, none of the thick shell more and I even had to complain only a damaged Land Raider, a lost Hammertermitrupp and two lost tactical marines.
My teammates were therefore not as much fun and I do not. If we had placed more emphasis on the narrative aspect of this really historic bay and denied us better, it could have been a really exciting and fun game. been
're looking site on the side of the defenders like a bastion, trenches, ramparts and would normally be required if the Baneblades had the first train, this would have come much more stylish. Playing a pure Ballerburg's just as barren as to gamble against a melee army, which then also takes the short trip on the flanks
three times as easy Baneblades to pit against a normal 1500 army is ultimately not so tight and makes no one happy. Without additional changes and arrangements, it is forced down to is that either the Baneblades rulorn we sow and do everything flat or eintütet the opposing army Baneblades relatively quickly and clearly.
you So let my experience be a lesson and make it better!