Since the swarm is known to adapt and I am not satisfied with the performance of some units, you had to include in the HQ-sections do something. So it was that the biomass of the harpy was converted to form a new threatening Schwarmtyranten. Meanwhile, the conversion is the fourth of this kit and I'm even surprised how long I can deal with it.
I have long wondered how to equip the Schwarmtyranten. A melee monster he is, without question. However, as I quite often against Imps and Orks and play me the fireworks of the Carnifex with its synchronized Neuralfressern convinced that Schwarmi for 30 points in addition also receives such parts missing.
Sense claws are quite nice, but when I later but the rerolls should do, so I can buy that is still the ability to "age adversary." The whip and sword the horn but cost nothing, but his initiatives Schwami the skin anyway mostly first or at least simultaneously. And a sword does not really something. Since he is a monstrous creature, his attacks are already e-weapon attacks and with the throw of only 2d6 on the moral value, you need much luck to tear something.
I find for my share, compared with the 12 synchronized shot size 6 just too cool. The help to the average distance to almost everything on the way into the melee and much much help after all. ;)
To complete the package, then he gets the two Psychic Powers "Mental Scream" and "nervous shock" with. The rest of the options is too expensive or I mean, he does not need this right now really. I'm just waiting to see the first games and whether I will then make changes to the equipment.
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