Yesterday it was my first game so far and I've played in our Mordheim campaign. My first opponent was his obsession with Elrond, specifically the "cult of the Broken Moon."
We played the Mission "breakthrough" . The possessed were the attackers and tried by the area occupied by the Orcs zubrechen. First featured on the possessed and started the game.
We played the Mission "breakthrough" . The possessed were the attackers and tried by the area occupied by the Orcs zubrechen. First featured on the possessed and started the game.
Once rumors going around of Morssteinfunden, many adventurers embark on a search for the much coveted wealth. Even after successful recovery, it often happens that one has to protect his find from envious rivals.
champion Zach Arias-MA (70) with bar / club (3)
Ryy'x - madman (90) large claw (50)
Alwar Aculeus - Mutant (25), spines (35), leg (3)
Horolf the Horned - Mutant (25), demonic soul (20), ax (5) and leg (3)The Ties That Bind - 2 Initiates (50) with axes (10)
The Enlightened - 2 Illuminati (70) Helmets (10), Flegel (30)
models: 8, issued gold coins: 499, band value: 68
The possessed were advancing and only whetted their blades.
Ich dagegen erwürfelte das zufällige Ereignis "Realitätsverzerrung" mit einer Reichweite von einem Zoll und mit einer Dauer von einem Spielzug. Dann stänkerte einer meiner Goblins und machte nichts weiter. Die verbliebenen drei Goblins schossen mit ihren Bögen, doch trafen nichts. Mein Held Remnok griff einen der Illuminaten an und schaffte es ihn zu betäuben. Ein Squig griff den zu Boden gegangenen Illuminaten an, doch verwundete ihn nicht. Der Rest der Truppe rückte ebenfalls nur vor.
2. Runde
Elrond reality distortion was much greater with 5 inches and should continue through all three plays. The second Illuminat attacked Remnok, this turns out, however, the Illuminati! Horolf and an initiator attack a Squig, which is then turned off as well. Ryy'x heroically jumps over the river and attacked Suubog - this time being melee ended in a stalemate.
fumed Now two Goblins and did nothing. The other two shot hit, but again nothing. Two other Squigs managed it in close combat. One of them stands on the spines of the mutant Alwares and goes to the ground. On the bridge, the third bite remained a squig schönes Stück aus einem der Initianten heraus, woraufhin dieser verblutet und entsprechend ausgeschaltet wird.
Mit zwei verlorenen Modellen würden die Besessenen nun schon testen müssen, ob sie sich zurückziehen.
3. Runde
Die Besessenen bestehen den Rückzugstest und Zacharias attackiert einen Squig. Ebenso wirft sich ein Initiat wirft sich in Nahkampf mit dem Orkboy. Letztlich sind aber alle tobenden Kämpfe verbissen aber ergebnislos.
The reality distortion is now 3 inches tall and would last for 2 trains. Again fumed one of the archers did not matter. A Squig and Treibagoblin attack Zacharias and the Squig it off. Also my boss kills now Alwares undRyy'x boxing to everyone's surprise but still my hero Suubog to the ground.
4th could round
had now possessed the only test on the morale of the possessed, and went whizzing.
- Playing -
After the game, once again it was extremely exciting, and ultimately very funny, as Elrond just damn bad dice:
- getting extra XP because of severe inferiority of the band value
- Find 2 Morssteinsplitter sell recovered it for 50 gold
- Initiate recovering
- Illuminat is
- Alwar replaced because of multiple injuries permanent deductions on its values: chest injury-1W, leg broken-1B, hand broken-1KG
- Zacharias (the leader) dies
- increase initiators and get +1 A
- increase get Illuminati and +1 I
- Horolf increases and gets +1 S
- Alwar increases and get new skill -> request of the Shadow Prince - Chaos Armor
- find 3 Morssteinsplitter, all selling for 55 gold
- find body (dagger) + a survivor Mort home is ( after the next game used)
- recovered Squig is
- Throrat increases and gets +1 A
- Remnok increases and gets +1 KG
As you can see again how bitter it may take you. Despite the super profile Ryy'x was a zero number. I'm glad my first game after the many defeats earlier successfully completed zu haben. Leider hat es mein Schamane kein einziges Mal geschafft seinen Zauber zu sprechen (Zzap mit Komplexität 9) und die Bogenschützengoblins waren auch nur heiße Luft. Der Rest hat aber gut reingehauen und besonders die Squigs haben echt gerockt. Daher schaffe ich mir von meinem Gold direkt noch einen neuen an und mein Chef bekommt eine dicke Rüstung. Har, Har.
Mein besonderer Dank geht an dieser Stelle an Goatmörser für die Dokumentation und die Orga, an Ivo für die Bilder und Eldrond für das spannende Spiel.
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