Having in my last battle with Space Marines got a neat cap on, I thought about my strategy and set me yesterday the Space Marines of the Order of the salamander. Since it was a 2250 points game, I had to set up everything at my disposal, without regard to the effectiveness of the units. The strongest would survive and the new generation of Tyras are adjusted accordingly.
We played the Mission "from the extension directory Combat operations. The playing field is thereby divided into 6 parts and in their respective center placed a marker that must be conquered. Where appropriate entity is established or entering the pitch is erwürfelt by W6. The salamander stood relatively centrally on the plate, as the Tyranids would zustürmen any moment from any direction on it. And infighting in the first round, no one can use (except me of course).
The Tyranids mission had caused the first train and appeared as Jagged on the plate. Here and there finally was nothing to shoot at or attack in the area, but mostly I was lucky. This enabled me as soon as two Razorbacks, two Land Speeders and a handful of Marines to destroy. I also was able to bind very many units in close combat, so that the enemy would be correspondingly meager income phase. She did and I had to complain about a few casualties.
came in Round 2 of my two landing spores, releasing the nemesis and three Zoantrophen. The Zoantrophen immediately blew the Land Raider and otherwise I was very happy and diced many Space Marines transported to the afterlife.
reared in its second round, the salamander once more to despair and kill the Nemesis, a spore landing, two guards and a little flock of sheep. This was not enough to stop my advance, and so were, in my third round only four ailing Space Marine units and not one more vehicle. Here were the players on Salam Enders finally, as would have still been two rounds before him, and he reversed the tear simply no longer could.
thank at this point to Funky beaver for the entertaining game and good company!
My impressions about the usefulness of so many Tyranideneinheit confirmed once again in this game. Units with a loss I will work for the time being no longer or only rarely, because they simply are not my style of play or stop are bad simply
- Malanthrope
- Tyranidenkrieger
- Biovoren
- Harpy
- Absorber
following units, however, I will now use more often or even buy more of it, as they mich wirklich überzeugt haben:
+ Termaganten
+ Tervigon
+ Carnifex
+ Zoantrophen
Zu allen anderen hier nicht genannten Einheiten des Codex habe ich keine Meinung bzw. habe ich noch keine Erfahrung sammeln können oder ich stehe ihnen neutral gegenüber. Jeder mag sich dazu sein eigenes Urteil bilden.
Wie man sieht, steht es eher schlecht mit meinen HQ-Auswahlen und daher werde ich mir noch doch wieder einen Schwarmtyranten zulegen. Diese Mal ohne Flügel und großartigen Schnickschnack. Auf den Schwarmherrscher hatte I first cast an eye, but is for me the little games is too expensive and too hard. But what else are finally magnets, and maybe he has later on a test site ...
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