Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wording For Engagementcard

Back from the UK

this weekend hobby was technically not so much because I was abroad. At least I managed to hide something from the Games Workshop on Oxford Street (see photo) look inside. Despite the favorable euro-pound exchange rate can not make a real bargain and ultimately it is in the British Vehicle Shops anything different from here. Well, after all, there `s much of the comparatively Black Library and the Imperial Armour books. But were brought into line at least since the contents of the European WD's, well worth a visit is not really.

but I use my chance to make a pressure-fresh copy of the latest book to catch the Horus Heresy-series. The last part Nemesis I'm almost through and then I want to see burn a few heretics! Not least because my book "A Thousand Sons' has fallen quite well.

addition to all the learning and work stress I am going to reactivate my Schwarmtyranten again this week and then on Thursday even as the mission "line buster" against 3 Baneblades or their equivalents to. Then I'll be very interested. It reads, then!


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